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Response to justanother premed

Guest kosmo14

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Guest kosmo14

justanother premed wrote:


noticed that you're in U of S med 2 so i'm very interested to here your thoughts on some things... so here i go:


A) how are you liking your med education as a whole?

B) is there good camaraderie among the students at U of S... do you guys feel part of a unit ?

C) what about the pbl situation at u of s... I'm under the impression that you would have been the last year not to receive any pbl.. correct me if you guys had some pbl that i didn't know about... do you know if the pbl is working good for the first-years right now?

D) how is clerkship looking? etc..



A) Now that this terms finals are all done (5 in 5 days last week) I can say I am really enjoying my med education as a whole. If you would have asked me this last Monday you might have gotten a completely different response, but now that its over and it wasn't as terrible as I made it out to be in my head I can say I am happy. One of the things I like about medicine here is that you get a lot of opportunity to actually see real patients, and get real clinical training. In second year you spend at least 2 hours a day in the hospital, and I usually find this is where I learn the most. For the most part the profs. are pretty good (thats not to say there aren't some horrible ones, but usually they have decent notes to make up for it). One thing I find kind of tough is having to be in class 8 hours a day. That has been rectified for the first year class this year and all future years.


B) Our class is awesome. We really get along fairly well, and most of the time everyone is willing to help everyone else out. I actually look forward to going to class just to socialize sometimes (kind of reminiscent of high school). A lot of us do stuff together. Some go to movies together in groups, have bbqs, form sports teams (which btw our football team were the Campus Rec champions- hows that for a med team).


C) I know the first years spend a fair amount of time in group work. They only have lectures in the mornings which allows time in the afternoons for tutorials, group projects, and many spend a fair amount of time shadowing physicians. I certainly gives them a lot of opportunity to explore possible career options. As for our class we do have group projects, about 3-4 a term, but we have to squeeze these in after our daily 8 hours of lectures.


D) Not too sure about clerkship, still one year away, but I am sure saskmedman can comment on that more as he is now a clerk (a little envious here). As far as I know clerkship here is great with a lot of responsibility and opportunity to learn. You will have to do some of your clerkship in Regina.


In summary I really enjoy UofS med. We get a real effective education, and despite the cold Saskatoon is a decent place to live. I am pretty positive that we will be off of probation here in January (there is a early visit from the accreditation committee), as there has been some fantastic changes with even more good ones to come, as well as some decent funding at last.


Hope this answers your questions.

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Guest justanotherpremed

thanks for the answers...

it seems from some of the things you said that you are an out-of-province applicant.... is this true? if so, why did you choose u of s?

thanks again :hat :smokin

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