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Successful OOP Applicants

Guest blobbo123

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Guest blobbo123

U of S weighs their admission criteria 3:1 (academic:p ersonal qualities). Since personal qualities encompass both the interview and letters of reference, it seems that having a super high gpa is your best chance of getting into this school. So, to get to the question, can successful OOP applicants please post their stats for U of S admission?



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Guest Magnolia

Hi, I'm applying as OPP, and I've been talking to a few of the med students at USask. They've told me that OPP need at least 88-90% ave. (I think USask looks at your two best years) in order to get an interview. MCAT scores don't matter as long as you've met the cutoffs...hope this helps.:D

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Guest blobbo123

Thanks Magnolia. If you need 88-90% to get an interview, I guess all the interviewees will have similar academic scores (v. high), and it will actually come down to the interview to decide it for the OOPs.

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Guest kosmo14

You hit it right on blobbo with the fact that interview is most important for oop once you are granted one. Generally you will need at least an 87% to get an interview.

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Guest DonaldKaufman


I'm a Nova Scotian who wasn't going to apply to U of Sask, but I'm seriously thinking about it now after reading this forum. As far as I can tell, I have an 89.2% on the Sask scale. I have heard that 30-40 OOP applicants are interviewed for 5 or 8 spots (I don't remember the exact numbers). My question is this: Does anyone know how many offers of admission have been made in past years to fill those OOP spots? Obviously, some of the 30-40 OOP applicants will be accepted in their home provinces and choose those schools over Uof Sask, so if there are 5 spots, the ad com likely has to work their way down the list past the applicant who is ranked #5.

I'm asking because I probably have a better chance at other schools, esp. Dalhousie, and I don't have any money, so I'm kind of forced to play some kind of odds/economics game here. And I hate to fly, haha.:rolleyes

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Guest kosmo14

I have no idea how many offers are given, but I would imagine a fair amount as you said many will get into other schools and go elsewhere which is unfortunate btw because UofS Med is a great school. We have a great bunch of students, a pretty tight night college, and the small class size is really great for clinical learning (even one to one ratio in some instances). I do know for sure that out of the 5 OOP in my class at least two were on the waitlist. I think the chances are good if you do well in the interview. If you can handle the weather then I would definately apply to Sask.


Hope this helps.

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