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UWO requirement

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I took 30 credits last year and 30 credits this year to meet the requirements of UWO. however, due to strike at Yorku last year, I was not able to finish a 3 credits course and my prof told me dropping the course is the only option. If I drop the course I wont meet UWO requirement that is minimum of two years with 30 credits. so, I called UWO admission office and they told me that I can explain this in the reference section of my application. apparently they look at each case independently.

I personally think , chances that they accept this is low... what do ya'll think? 

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30 minutes ago, draf said:


I took 30 credits last year and 30 credits this year to meet the requirements of UWO. however, due to strike at Yorku last year, I was not able to finish a 3 credits course and my prof told me dropping the course is the only option. If I drop the course I wont meet UWO requirement that is minimum of two years with 30 credits. so, I called UWO admission office and they told me that I can explain this in the reference section of my application. apparently they look at each case independently.

I personally think , chances that they accept this is low... what do ya'll think? 

Are you talking about for your GPA calculation of your best two years? If this is what you're talking about they have a penalization for not having a full course load, but it does not make you ineligible. Perhaps their details of the penalization is vague because it is dealt with on a case by case basis as they told you.

BUT to apply: "Applicants must be in the final year of, or have successfully completed, a four-year undergraduate degree program from a recognized university." so you should have at least 3 years/90 credits under your belt before applying.

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