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Getting over the DAT hump

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I'm in a weird position. I didn't get any interviews this year because of low DAT scores. These are my stats:

3.90 GPA
DAT: 18 AA (Bio 17, Chem 19, PAT 18, Reading 18)

I know my DAT scores were pretty low and i'll be retaking the DAT in 3 weeks. The problem is my coursework this semester is very intense and I'm not getting the time to study for the DAT. I'm considering postponing the DAT until November but it'll put me in a bad position incase I do bad again. Is there any repercussions to taking the DAT multiple times? :(

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21 hours ago, Futur3 said:

Don't stress it. The higher your DAT scores the better your odds are, but still doable with those scores.

My scores were 18 AA (20 Bio, 16 Chem, 18 RC) and 19 PAT.  Average was 88% and got in at Western. Not everyone can get in with the DAT scores I had, but it's still possible. Would I have rewritten had I not got in? Yes. 

No repercussions for rewriting your DAT with regards to Canadian dental schools. Your DAT is low relative to the average accepted applicant, so I would rewrite in February regardless and schools won't even see them for this cycle anyways. If your February score still isn't what you'd like, rewrite in November and improve on your time-management skills. These type of scenarios will always be present, whether now while you're applying or in the future in dental schools where you may have 13 midterm/final exams in an 18 day period, etc. It sucks but you adapt and overcome. Best of luck, feel free to message if you have any questions.

what were your ECs?

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