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The name says it all, I've been a long time lurker here. Finishing up my undergrad in 2 months hopefully and still need a couple prereqs. I'm looking for some advice now on my own personal situation.

What would my chances be at an interview at UWO next year with a ~93% average, good extracurriculars and an okay DAT (16 BIO, 19 CHEM, 20 PAT, 22 RC)? 

P.S. Any recommendations for summer school organic chemistry in Southern Ontario? Is it true York is much easier?

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As a long time lurker you already know what people are going to say:

1. GPA is strong

2. "good extracurriculars" is subjective but so is western's evaluation so everything is speculation. My speculation is research is good, leadership is good, jobs are good, community involvement/volunteering is good, and shadowing is obviously good. They want to know you are a real person with real interests as well as a potential student that can contribute to western dental's community. But again this is my speculation. No one can be sure, but we can be sure that it matters a lot.

3. You need your AA which I believe is 19 for you? That is on the lower side but doesn't count you out

4. You seem safe of any DAT section cut offs

There is nothing more another forum member can really give input on unfortunately. I know you want a definitive answer (I do too). But virtually all of what applicants know can all be found in western forums and that's it.

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20 hours ago, longtimelurker said:

The name says it all, I've been a long time lurker here. Finishing up my undergrad in 2 months hopefully and still need a couple prereqs. I'm looking for some advice now on my own personal situation.

What would my chances be at an interview at UWO next year with a ~93% average, good extracurriculars and an okay DAT (16 BIO, 19 CHEM, 20 PAT, 22 RC)? 

P.S. Any recommendations for summer school organic chemistry in Southern Ontario? Is it true York is much easier?

You could always do organic chemistry online via Athabasca if it makes it easier. 

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