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Hope this doesn't freak you out even more. 


I was writing my biochem exam yesterday (worth 50%) and was walking into it pretty confident with an 86%. Basically got the biggest migraine I've ever had 20 minutes after starting and I'm pretty sure I failed since I left 1/3 of the questions blank since I couldn't think straight. It was too late to leave the room since I had already started the exam and no way to defer it after starting. Sooooo I'll need to retake the class this summer now :/ 


I don't mind retaking it, but I'm worried that I won't meet Western's admission requirements anymore. I have 5.5 credits so I would still meet the full course load requirement but biochem is a third-year course and they say you need 3 credits at your level of study or above. I had exactly 3/5.5 at the 3rd-year level or above (I'm in 3rd year) but if I retake biochem the summer, and the biochem I took this year shows up as an exclusion on my transcript, is that okay? Will it still meet the requirement because I did technically take the course??

freaking out. send help pls.


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Sorry to hear that happened, but don't freak out! It's not like the biochem course for that year was taken out or was completely excluded. Point being that you still took the 3/5.5 courses at the level of study that year, so you'll be fine. If you're still worried, I'd contact the Schulich admissions office. 


If it helps as well, I was just at the Schulich dental interviews and in the presentation, they mentioned that student accepted with best 2 years avg ranged between 83%-95%. So even if this biochem slip-up brought down your avg a bit, you still have a chance. Just make sure you have a strong ABS. :) 

Hope this helps.


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5 hours ago, hellothere123 said:

they mentioned that student accepted with best 2 years avg ranged between 83%-95%.

Oh wow, that's a really good range! I've already emailed the admissions office and am waiting for their response. My first 2 years don't meet their admissions requirements since they weren't 5-credit years so I hope I still meet their requirements for my 3rd year. I really don't want to have to take another year of undergrad:(

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