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BCEM 443

Guest Saberial

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Guest Saberial

Hi there!


First of all, congratulations to all the accepted applicants!


I am planning to take BCEM 443 this fall and was wondering if anyone here has taken the course before?


Any thoughts, comments or suggestions? I've heard that it is a killer course, is that actually true or just rumours?



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It's difficult, but not impossible. I got a better mark in 443 than I did in 393. Provided the curriculum doesn't change again, the DNA section at the start of the course isn't tested in the final, so the information load is a little more manageable than it might have been a few years ago. The lab component was also apparently relaxed a bit, but it might have been retooled again for next year.


A lot of memorization is required, but if you practice often and try to understand the chemical reactions instead of simply memorizing structures, you should be ok. You'll need to have a good grasp on amino acids, glycolysis, and the TCA cycle.


Good luck!

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Guest haikuguy

I took that course years ago, and found that the best way to study was to draw out the pathways on a large poster paper after each class. This allowed me to integrate the scattered reactions we learned into some sort of a whole...


cheers! and good luck.

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Guest Saberial

Thanks for the quick replies, I really appreciate your input.


It's been a few years since I've taken BCEM 393, when you say good knowledge of the amino acids, will I have to go back and memorize the damn structures again?


Also, are there old exams (MTs, Finals) or even labs available?

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Guest ale loofa

From my experience of BCEM 443, I found it difficult. They revamped the material last year (?), to basically squeeze two courses into one. You need to know DNA, RNA, amino acids, sugars & metabolic pathways, and fat structure, synthesis & metabolism. It would be recommendable to re-memorize all your amino acids. I'm drawing a blank on old midterms and labs: I don't remember using any, so I don't think any are available.


But is there any such thing as an easy BCEM course? I was considering BCEM 537 (aka: MDSC 537)...has anyone every taken this course or have any advice?

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Oops, I forgot about that...you'll have to remember some of the carbohydrate stuff from 393 too. And yes, it would be a good idea to know the structures of the amino acids.


I don't know of any practice exams that would help. Since they changed the material so much, even if you could find a test from a few years ago it would be outdated. Dr. Voordouw(sp?) has a really good set of practice questions at the end of his notes, and I think the other profs tried to come up with some practice questions too.

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Guest riffraff

this may sound crazy, but since bcem443 was revamped this past year, I think it wasn't too difficult a course as long as you're used to rote memorization. over 30% of the class got either an A- or A. there are only 5 labs the entire course (i think there may be 6 this year) and i'd say it's one of the easier science courses i've taken in my undergrad (that's not saying that it's easy like a 200 level course, but easy in comparison to other senior level science courses).

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