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What does the CAF look like?

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OMSAS posted this info about the new CAF: 

On the CAF, your references will be asked to respond to the following:

  1. Would this applicant make a good physician?
  2. Rate the applicant on each of the following attributes:
    • Communication skills
    • Problem-solving skills
    • Professionalism (e.g., commitment to ethical practice, standards of behaviour and accountability to others)
    • Empathy (e.g., demonstrating consideration of others’ perspectives)
  3. Identify and comment on 1 area of improvement for the applicant.
  4. Share any other information you feel may be relevant to a medical school’s admission committee.

Does anyone know how many words/characters referees get for #1 and #3? For #2, do they just have to fill in bubbles, or do they also get to justify their rating and explain how the applicant has demonstrated their communication/problem solving/professionalism?

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