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Interview Experience Feedback

Guest 0T6

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Guest uoft Chemistry

hey guys,



since no 1 else is posting their experience.....I just wanna post some post feelings. Well I have to say, I've been trying to keep it off my mind but its so DARN HARD....and the more I disect the interview.....the WORST I think i did....errrrr......


Well, hope this month pass by quickly....

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Guest Daver83

My two cents:


My interview experience (had mine on the 4th) was very positive! The interview itself was very relaxed and the interviewers were incredibly nice. They weren't there to trap me or grill me, but more just to get to know me.


The other students were all nice and cheerfull and the info session was helpful. Nicole presented some good info, and 0T6, the video was very 'warm and touching'!


Hope to be around in the fall!

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Guest everyoneloveschem

This whole waiting thing sucks. I am trying to not think about it because I don't want to nit pick the interview, and I don't want to get too hopeful. Last year I was waitlisted, and that is hard, because every two weeks you get excited and nothing happens and then you get sad until they send you the dreaded class is full email, which just makes you really sad. Sigh. Its not like I don't have anything else to think about, but I'd like to move ahead with my life.

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Hello All!


I had my interview on the 4th as well in the afternoon. I felt the interview process was literally amazing. I had two interviews this year. One was MMI and the other here at Ottawa (panel style). I really felt like I was able to really express myself and who I am in the Ottawa interview in comparison to the MMI interviews.


I ended up going to the morning info session and noon hour tour. I was extremely impressed with Nicole's passion to spread the joy of attending Ottawa to us applicants. I thought it was cute she was carrying around facial tissue as well since she was under the weather! That was off topic, but I had to mention it. I also found the tour guide to be extremely enthusiastic and I really found myself looking at UOttawa and liking what I saw.


Finally, I believe that having the 4th year students there to talk with us was extremely helpful. I did not have that at the other interview until AFTER my interview was completed. The 4th year student was very helpful at putting us all at ease and making us chuckle. I absolutely loved his reference to all med candidates as being slightly OCD....which in a way I suppose you could say we are...either about academics, or ECs or organizational skills, etc., etc. He also had a very nice analogy of what will occur after our interview in that he said if we graphed our emotional level after our interview we would go through an extreme up and down (from the heights of elation to the depths of despair) on a daily basis. Eventually, we would peter out to a plateau of how we felt we did and upon getting in, the graph would not be representative of how we actually did :P


Anywho, I was extremely impressed and sincerely hope Ottawa is where I study next year!



Anna :D

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Glad to hear that Anna :)


Yah Varun's a really nice guy and he's totally right about the rollercoaster of the next 6 weeks.. but hold in there :)

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