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Interview Experience Feedback

Guest 0T6

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Hey everyone,


I'm stealing this thread from Queens.. just curious about how you all felt your non-interview interview experience went. I mean the tours, presentation, set up.. all that stuff. Is there anything you really liked? Anything that really turned you off?


(You can talk about your interview interview experience in te other thread)

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Guest hydes79

I had my interview on March 2nd at 8:30am. Here are few things about my experience at uOttawa:


The setup was good. There were signs to direct applicants to the location of the registration table. Refreshments (Water, coffee, juice, etc) and food (bagel, donuts, pastries, etc) were provided in the waiting area. We had the chance to mingle with other applicants and current uOttawa students. I have mentioned in another post that I was impressed by how friendly everyone was at the interview day. More than one medical student approached me to talk and ask if I need any help or if I have any question.


The information session was very helpful and informative. We also had the chance to ask questions (during and) after the session was done.


What I really liked about the tours is the part when we walked into an actual lecture. All the students had their laptops showing an X-Ray picture, which was the same picture shown on the big screen. It’s really easy and nice to follow and take notes if you have the lecture files on your computer. I think the laptop program is a big advantage for uOttawa med students.


Overall, I had a positive experience at uOttawa, but it would be nice if we could have visited the labs (Histology, Anatomy, etc) during our tour.




Edited to correct the bagel spelling...lol everyoneloveschem

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Hey Hydes


Yah that was a good lecture to walk in on :)


It is unfortunate with the anatomy lab but those are just the regulations.. only med students with ID can get in any other time, but I guess it's something to think about if you guys really wanna see it.

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Guest everyoneloveschem

Hydes, they fed you beagles? :)


Just kidding.


I found the tour last year somewhat lacking, but I'm from Ottawa and fairly familiar with the OGH/CHEO set up. It just seemed like they didn't actually show us anything representative (no classes, or labs).

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Guest bluedna

I was also really impressed with OttawaU. One of the big differences that I noticed between Ottawa and other schools was the number of 4th year students around to answer questions. Ottawa was the only place that I got to hear the perspective of people that had experienced the almost the entire program. The info session was informative, as was the tour. I was really impressed with the facilities. Even the interview itself wasn't all that bad :\ .

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Guest Talon01
What I really liked about the tours is the part when we walked into an actual lecture. All the students had their laptops showing an X-Ray picture, which was the same picture shown on the big screen. It’s really easy and nice to follow and take notes if you have the lecture files on your computer.


Now the people touring the school are attending lectures that I miss... take any notes that you could send me? :D

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Guest satsumargirl

Hey there,


I wouldn't really feel too disappointed about not seeing the anatomy lab. There really isn`t that much to see.


Some schools like UWO have an "anatomy museum" type room (separate from the labs where the "real" cadavers not encased in glass are) and I can see how that would be interesting to see all the prosections. But a regular anatomy lab isn`t all that interesting (in my opinion)...even if they took the cadavers out they would be all covered in wet towels so they didn't dry out.


If you end up coming to Ottawa, you will spend enough time in the stinky smelly lab :P

Though I have to say the ventilation in the lab is pretty good. (compared to what I remember from my undergrad at Guelph and grad school at UWO...could be I'm just getting used to it though)


Anyway, good luck to everyone!

I think I am giving a tour March 22 or 23 ? Hope to meet some of you then :)



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Guest rhythm

Just wanted to let you guys know that after my interview (interviewers = awesomely nice), visiting the school, talking to the students, eating some donuts after my interview and freezing my little west-coast legs off in Ottawa the school shot from the bottom of my list (I pretty much applied as an afterthought) to right near the top. Now I just need to hope they feel the same way about me!


Seriously though, I had a blast and would love to go there, everything was very well done and you guys managed to sell someone who was really unsure of what the school had to offer.

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Guest Talon01

That's awesome rhythm...


Honestly, that's one of the great things about UO, the administration staff are so incredibly helpful and nice.


Glad you enjoyed yourself!

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Guest SaraKJ

Hello all,

My interview was on Friday morning. One min i think it went well and one min i think it was the worst interview ever. Any way, i had one male and 2 female interviewer. The male one, was very strange: very very quiet and seemed not interested in my answers .the whole time he was writing some thing or looking at my auto pages. The other two seemed more normal. They gave some good/excellent comments and some lost looking points. The strangest thing is that the whole 45 min they ask qs regarding my Auto sketch. No other extra question not even one...any how, they all looked very nice people and tried to make the interview very relaxing. One of them gave me a glass of water in the middle of interview and told me to relax. The entire 4th yr med students were very informative and friendly. The school is the best. Any how, to the one that still waiting to go, time flies, be yourself, show your personality and have fun.



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Guest hydes79

Hello SaraKJ,


One min i think it went well and one min i think it was the worst interview ever


That's exactly how I felt about my interview. Now, I don't think much about my interview, because there is nothing else I can do about it.


The male one, was very strange: very very quiet and seemed not interested in my answers


I had that too. One of the interviewer showed no emotion, and he was not very interested in what I was saying, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Congrats for finishing the interview and good luck with the waiting. Hydes

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Guest everyoneloveschem

My interviewers were much nice this year than last year. They genuinely seemed to be trying to get me to shine, if that makes sense. They asked a lot of questions from my sketch, one ethical-type scenario, a couple general questions. The time flew by. I too felt like at times it was going okay and at other times I was spewing random facts related to my life.


I know it is hard, but try and try and try to relax. Then at least you can be your best (and most coherent :) ).


I thought it was nice that there was a concerted effort to always have a 4th year around to answer questions (and draw people out/help them relax).

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Guest Talon01

As an attempt to reassure you, I think the 'showing no emotions' is a theme they are told to give. I got the same impression from my interviewers last ya. It's truly had to judge how YOU feel the interview went. Like I said in a previous thread, how you feel post-interview isn't a good indication of whether you'll receive an acceptance or not. However, I do wish good luck to all of you :D

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Guest uoft Chemistry

Hi Guys,



Well my interview was today March 22nd, first I'd like to say that the Med students were very helpful in this process and the info session was good. Unfortunately I got there late so couldn't go on the tour. Now the Interview........


Well for the first 3 mins I think I was very nervous and couldn't find my tone (I hope they will understand this part), but then I just broke away and was completely relaxed from there on. I made them smile alot (which was surprizing because I thought they weren't supposed to show emotions???????...but then you never know what they're thinking) and we joked back and fourth alot. Overall I thought I did a good job, I answered all there questions and just felt confident. Ofcourse it wasn't all perfect because some questions I did think afterwards about, and thought maybe I did not have enough "depth" in my answers, but oh well, now we'll have to see what happens on May 15th.


Wanna wish everyone else good luck on there interviews.



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Allo a tous,


My interview was on Wed. Overall impression with Ottawa was excellent: fourth year students were very helpful at answering questions from academic to social life at Ottawa; the information session was informative; and the tour was great.


I think the interview part went ok. The interviewers were friendly. But it seems that only one (the 4th year student) was interested in the bio-sketch and asking related questions, whereas the other two asked some pretty general questions. I was expecting the interviewers to interrupt and challenge the answers, but they were just politely listening. So it was hard to engage what they were thinking :) .


Overall I think it went well. I would like to thank the first year students for setting up the mock interviews. Mime was very helpful and most of discussed topics came up during the actual interview!!


Good luck to everyone.



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Guest uoft Chemistry

Hi guys,



I forgot to add something to my post above........my interview was very different from what I expected......it was totally opposite to SaraKJ's interview..........the whole 45 mins there "WAS NOT ONE" question asked about my sketch.


nothing like "Tell me about X, what did you learn from X?"....kinda stuff......sooo I'm still a bit clueless on how it went. From the past posting I was ready for the "tell me about X"...stuff, well I guess that's my 2 mins about how it went.



Good luck to those who will be interviewing.....



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Guest jeffpr

I would like to hit that one up. Not one question from my sketch, not one. A few scenarios and basically the rest of the questions stemmed from answers to previous questions that I gave. Completely good cop/bad cop style as well. I actually noticed that only two of my interviewers were taking notes, and the third "bad cop" had the majority of the tough questions and always seemed to make me second guess myself.


I am privy to a number of friends in the higher areas of schooling, and one of them has her Phd in Psychology. I told her about my experience and she was interested to hear about it, and I guess its a fairly productive interview technique to see what candidates are made of. Overall, the experience was great and the facilities are nice. OT6 you can thank Yanick for the tour, I never got a chance to formally.


I was surpirsed by the number of people that did not use this board as a resource. While I realize that not everybody will be as proactive as others, I feel that I had an advantage using the first and second year med students who frequent this board as resources, over say someone that did not. Also, others that I talked to had a different interview format that was not so "direct" as my experience, so you will just have to prepare yourself for anything and adapt to the situation.


One question I have for OT6 or any other med students: Do they review your whole application in addition to your interview score when they make up the invite list? The interviews are over on April 7th and 5 weeks seems like a long time to waste, since all the interview scores are tallied and a simple computer program would generate your primary and waiting lists accordingly.


Good luck to the other interviewees, I think the class of 2006 should be a great one.

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Guest satsumargirl

According to the U of Ottawa document


"following the interview, preliminary rank order lists are drawn up based on the composite scores. Candidates with the highest score will be offered first in the order of their composite score, followed by those with the next highest interview score and so on. The admissions committee may take other factors into consideration when ranking each candidate."


So admissions is very dependent on your interview score but looks like the university covers itself by stating that they can still take other factors into consideration. I suspect they at least review the files for the candidates getting offers just to make sure everything is in order.


Also, all the schools in Ontario have to send out invites on the same day. So other schools may be interviewing later than Ottawa. They also need time to put the admissions package together etc.


I sympathize that the wait to hear seems like an eternity...but on the bright side it is about a 2 weeks shorter wait that last year :)


Good luck!! Hope to see you next year...as part of the class of 2010 ;)

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Guest 24medgirl

I had my interview on Saturday (March 25th). I was one of the only In Province (IP) inverviewees there as my interview date had been changed from April 7th to March 25th. So basically I was adrift in a sea of Quebeceois, Westerners and Maritimers (which was great because that's where I'm from!).


The tour and info session (great job OT6 - loved the video!) were very well done though I thought it would have been nice to go to CHEO on the tour as well. I did one of my internships at CHEO so I wasn't worried about myself, but I thought it would have been nice for others to see the hospital.


The U of O medical students who were organizing/volunteering their time were very helpful and the whole day was very well organized.


I felt that my interview went well. The panel who interviewed me were very friendly and even laughed at some of my more humorous answers/comments. I felt very comfortable during the interview and my gut instinct was that it went very well. But OF COURSE over the last 48 hours I've disected every syllable, word and sentance and now 'm not sure how I did - I think this is normal?


My questions were pretty run of the mill - not very many aimed towards my ABS. I found my only ethical scenario difficult as it didn't have anything to do with consent, capacity, voluntariness, death, organ donation. It was more common sense.


Anyway, overall I feel the experience was great. To everyone who still have interviews to come - relax, take a deep breath, enjoy yourself and good luck!



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Guest thedude

I had my interview yesterday (March 25). The atrium is not hard to find, so don't worry too much about getting lost on the way to registration if you are not familiar with the building.


There was a 4th year student in the waiting area answering questions about the program and ottawa, and a lot of students dropped by between classes to chat and answer questions (they are easy to pick out because they werent wearing suits ;) ). There were donuts and coffee and bagels...but just a note that there is a food table/area for faculty and an area for the interviewees..there are signs, but it's easy to confuse them.


It think it's hard to judge how the interview itself went. The interviewers automatically gave me a glass of water, which was nice. I felt they also made an effort to try to put me at ease--one of them made a joke about the chairs when I first entered, and they stessed that there were no right or wrong answers when I blanked out. They ended with a few min to spare to give me some time if I had any questions to ask.


I hope this helps those still waiting for thier interviews. Good luck to you all! Remember that you made it this far because you rocked your marks and have done some pretty great stuff. Now you just gotta show them how awesome you are!



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