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importance of extracurriculars dental school?

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How important are extracurricular activities when applying for ontario dental schools?

I am currently in 3rd year, and I am thinking of writing the DAT this upcoming summer. My grades thus far are pretty solid and I hope to continue on with my current success this upcoming semester. Obviously, I don't know how I'll do on the DAT since I haven't wrote it yet, but I am concerned about my ECs. I did some pretty high-end quantum research over the past summer. TA'd for many terms so far. And have volunteered at a hospital for 3 summers at various departments. I have carried out a ton of leadership roles during my senior years in HS, but once I started UNI I was pretty sluggish. In any case, I haven't mentioned all my experience on here, but I just wanted to know how important ECs are for the application process. I've heard some people claim that UofT doesn't even allocate a section for ECs on your dental school application. In any case, any advice would be appreciated.

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Toronto doesn’t ask about ECs. As of this year they do however require a personal statement, where in which you can touch on your ECs if you’d like.

Western has an autobiographical sketch, but they only care about stuff you’ve done since you started university though. ECs you’ve only done during high school aren’t applicable.

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