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Atlantic Bridge Irish Dental Likelihood

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I had a really rough start to my undergrad.

I had no idea why I was in school and was just doing it to do it, plus I was super lazy and approached it like high school. As a result, lots of Ds, lots of Fs. My first half of my schooling career adds up to a 1.6 GPA. As you can guess, I was eventually asked to withdraw. I took a break and sorted things out and figured out how to study. 

I turned things around for the most part. Over the final 25 courses taken in my degree, I maintained a 3.57 GPA. I have all the necessary prerequisites for dental school. But I feel like it's too little way too late. My cGPA is roughly 2.6

Sorry for the wordy preamble, but all of that was to frame my question: Do I have any realistic chance of being accepted into a Dental Program?

I know they say every applicant is looked at individually, but I don't know if I'm remotely near competitive enough for consideration. 

I'd appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks for your time!

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When applying last year an Atlantic Bridge representative emailed me saying as follows:

The statistics vary from year to year, depending on the candidate pool each year. In essence, the most competitive applicants each year will receive the limited offers, that is probably why it’s difficult to gather those information. I would say above 3.3 is probably starting to get into the competitive range.

Back to me:

Atlantic Bridge asks for your cGPA with nothing dropped on a 4.0 scale as well as your transcript. Each school likely has their own algorithms for assessing grades but there isn't much information about that. I know Cork also really seems to care about how well you did in courses they consider a prerequisite to dentistry (at least for the 4 year program, otherwise they consider you for the 5 year program). Unfortunately, it appears your GPA is too far below the competitive range to have a realistic chance of being accepted to an Irish dental school. If I were you I would try to investigate if any abroad schools look at your two best or two most recent years to see if there are any other options.

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13 minutes ago, HopefulDDS said:

When applying last year an Atlantic Bridge representative emailed me saying as follows:

The statistics vary from year to year, depending on the candidate pool each year. In essence, the most competitive applicants each year will receive the limited offers, that is probably why it’s difficult to gather those information. I would say above 3.3 is probably starting to get into the competitive range.

Back to me:

Atlantic Bridge asks for your cGPA with nothing dropped on a 4.0 scale as well as your transcript. Each school likely has their own algorithms for assessing grades but there isn't much information about that. I know Cork also really seems to care about how well you did in courses they consider a prerequisite to dentistry (at least for the 4 year program, otherwise they consider you for the 5 year program). Unfortunately, it appears your GPA is too far below the competitive range to have a realistic chance of being accepted to an Irish dental school. If I were you I would try to investigate if any abroad schools look at your two best or two most recent years to see if there are any other options.

Thanks for getting back to me! I figured it probably wouldn't pan out. I'll look around for other options.

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