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is it true that dental programs look more favourably to students who completeted their degree?

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I am thinking of taking a semester off but I know the Ualberta dental requirements are changing in 2021 which would be to my disadvantage, so I would only have one more cycle which would give me the most likely chance of getting into dent here. I heard that dental programs look more favourably to students who have completed their degrees compared to students who haven't, like you would need a considerably higher GPA (4.0) to compete with a student who has completed their degree (3.8). Just wondering if this is true since I have not completed my degree and this would affect my decision on taking a semester off or not

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On 1/4/2020 at 11:41 AM, uber said:

I am thinking of taking a semester off but I know the Ualberta dental requirements are changing in 2021 which would be to my disadvantage, so I would only have one more cycle which would give me the most likely chance of getting into dent here. I heard that dental programs look more favourably to students who have completed their degrees compared to students who haven't, like you would need a considerably higher GPA (4.0) to compete with a student who has completed their degree (3.8). Just wondering if this is true since I have not completed my degree and this would affect my decision on taking a semester off or not

What changes is UofA making to their admissions requirements? What is your source? Thanks!

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