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Flu in my house and I have interview next week

Guest Zuckman

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Guest Zuckman

Hey guys,

Wondering, if I get the flu is there any possibility of rescheduling the interview? Or is the interview cancelled for good. I really doubt I'd be able to make the interview if I had a flu. I don't want others to catch it either.


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Guest thegamez

I wouldnt reschedule my interview for few reasons:


1) if the interview gets rescheduled chances are u will get it on April, with the hustle of the final exams.


2) you wanna get it over!


3) you will feel better by next week, dont worry!


I would inform the front-desk just right before the interview that am little sick and dont wish to shake hand with interviewers so that they wont get sick, this way u could sit on the end of the table during the interview, and be appreciated by the interviewers.


anyways thats wut I would have done if I was in ur shoes, All the best!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest pinkbonkers

hi guys,


my boyfriend has an interview at ottawa on tues and he's coming down with the lfu...will ottawa let him reschedule it?

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