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Friday, June 13

Guest seedstrike

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Guest seedstrike

Hey guys,


Apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere.


Is June 13 the date to make one conditional or firm acceptance (and releasing other schools that you may have been accepted too)?


If so, does this mean the waitlist should be moving in the next week? Can anyone waitlisted last year explain what to expect from here on?




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Guest aneliz

Yes...those that received first round offers from UWO had until today to respond to them...meaning that they have done one of the following things:


1. they have accepted it (firm) - meaning that they will be in the class of 2007 for sure...


2. they have accepted it (conditionallly) - meaning that if a spot comes up at another school that they are waitlisted at before July 3, they may choose the other school and open up a UWO spot...but they may also be in the UWO class of 2007 if they don't get another acceptance before July 3 or they choose not to accept it if they do...


3. they rejected it in favour of another school - meaning that their spot at UWO is now open


4. they did nothing...and by default, their spot at UWO is now open....


So, as of Monday, they will start sending out the so-called 'second round' - probably the single largest waitlist movement of the summer...the spots belonging to all of the people that did #3 or #4 will be offered to those on the waitlist. Those people will then have 2 weeks to decide what they want to do...if they accept, they will be in the class of 2007...if they decline, their spot will be offered to the next person on the waiting list...and so on until the class is full. It will probably be mid-August before the class is filled...Offers are made as the responses come back...so it might not be a full 2 weeks before some of the 'third round' acceptances are offered....


Good luck!

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Guest PARTY cal

Hi seedstrike,

Yes, June 13th (today) is the day the forms must be in. If you selected a FIRM acceptance, then you had to release your spot from other Ontario schools. I think the other choice was provisional, which gives you until July 3rd to make a FIRM choice.


The waitlist topic has been discussed a lot of here. Browse the forum and I think you will find what you are looking for. You may also want to check out the accepted/waitlisted/rejected thread at the top of the forum...look at June/July of 2002 to get an indication of when people started to come off the waitlist. I have however heard of individuals being notified a few days before classes start.


Best of luck to you

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