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Improvement suggestions please

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Hi everyone, I hope you guys are safe in these rough times. I think it would be appropriate to tell a little about my academic history. In high school I did pretty great in all classes and I had all AP classes therefore I decided to do a cegep program in health science. Due to family issues I basically did poorly in most of my science classes. I mean so poorly I had to re-take some of them. I ended up having health issues due to family pressure and academic stress and some other environmental factors, overall it was a really dark moment in my life. Somehow I managed to get into a BSc program and started off pretty great but eventually some issues came back and it is only recently that I actually dealt with them for good. I am currently in my last year of university and I am doing a BSc and over the last few months I have come to take a huge interest in Medicine. I had never felt that way in my life. Ever. I decided that is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Upon searching for the requirements of the program in multiple universities I came to realize it was over for me even before it began. Thus, I am writing this post to see if anyone may have information that may potentially help me boost my application from the disaster that it is. Here is the summary for my application:

1. I have a 2.62/4.3 GPA

2. I am volunteering in the following clubs at my university:

- event volunteer for a club that deals with mentorship programs in our department

- first responder in emergency situations

- volunteer at events that teach kids STEM related topics and organize activities that allow them to comprehend better the world of science and technology

- I am the representative of education for an association that deals with illiteracy in Canada

3. My work experience:

- Language tutor

- Taught basic engineering to kids

- Worked in a souvenir shop 

I know this is quite pathetic and I do not stand a chance with all the great applicants from all over Canada but I am looking for any advice that would allow me to better my application for schools to even consider it. 

Thank you for your time, and have a nice day.

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