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CASPer for UBC

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I just signed up for CASPer today and the list of Canadian dental schools that you can submit to are UBC, McGill, and Montreal. I am applying to UBC and McGill so I instinctively signed up for those ones and paid the fees. Later I checked the UBC dental page and they have a note with an asterisk saying that the CASPer test is not required. After creating this thread I snooped around premed101 a little more and it seems like some schools are having applicants submit CASPer without even taking the score into consideration in order to research if there is a correlation between CASPer score and student success? It seems a little unethical to make students pay for CASPer for this purpose though. It's only $12 to add an additional school but still, that could have been some nice takeout :'( 

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