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Guest TimmyMax



That's what I heard, but maybe a member of that lovely (and talented) UWO Meds 2005 class could clarify for us!



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Guest UWOMED2005

I actually wasn't in Canada when the package arrived last year (I fled the country in case the thinvelope arrived. . .) so I didn't see the actual package arrive, but what was left when I got home probably did come in a 'thickvelope.' In fact, since I wasn't here for the arrival, I'm not sure exactly how the acceptances/rejections came in. . . it's possible waitlists/rejections came in a thick envelope as well, and/or that ALL admissions material came in one envelope from OMSAS, and not from each school. Another student will have to confirm that for me. . . not necessarily a Western student.


What I can tell you is that the admissions info arrives incredibly fast. As I mentioned before, I was out of the country and initially planned on calling my parents June 1st. Well, I decided it would probably take a few days to arrive so calling my parents from Europe ($$) each day after May 31st would not only be expensive, but also akin to stalking the mailman. Imagine my surprise when I checked my e-mail on the 2nd and found out the stuff had arrived on the 1st after all! So I'm pretty sure they send it by courier and you shouldn't be waiting long after May 31st for the response.


Good Luck,



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Guest crackers

I got a thin envelope from U of T at the beginning of June--it was my rejection letter. I got a thin envelope from Western a couple of days later--and it was an offer for the waiting list. A month later, I got a phone call in the lab asking if I wanted a place at Western Meds--I nearly hit the ceiling tiles. THEN about 5 days later the thick envelope arrived. And to follow up on some stuff from other threads, I hemmed and hawed about how I could have done my interview better, then I realized it was out of my hands and I just enjoyed the couple of months in between.

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