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Question about taking prerequisite courses during '5th" year

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So I just found out that I will be able to complete my 2nd degree in 2 years instead of 3. I would be taking 3rd and 4th years courses on a full course load basis both years. Nevertheless, I am a bit confused about how I will complete my prerequisite courses for American med schools (and some Canadian). Would taking my prerequisite (organic, inorganic, etc) during a extended or 5th year of my degree still make my GPA from that year eligible for med school GPA calculations? I would essentially be taking 5 1st year courses each semester of my 5th year. 



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AFAIK US schools won't care. You'll have to look to see what Canadian schools requirements for modified GPA are. I think there was at least one that required a certain proportion of the year to be upper level courses. I'm sorry but I they change so frequently I don't bother to keep track of each individual school's policies, but there aren't too many schools in Canada and you should read the requirements and GPA poclity for each one, especially if you're investing time in a second degree.

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5 hours ago, bearded frog said:

AFAIK US schools won't care. You'll have to look to see what Canadian schools requirements for modified GPA are. I think there was at least one that required a certain proportion of the year to be upper level courses. I'm sorry but I they change so frequently I don't bother to keep track of each individual school's policies, but there aren't too many schools in Canada and you should read the requirements and GPA poclity for each one, especially if you're investing time in a second degree.

Thank you for your response. It’s great to hear that American med schools will not care. Honestly they were my primary concern regarding this.

Yes I will call the Canadian med schools I am eligible for

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