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Medical Research Opportunity

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Hey Everyone,

I'm a recent graduate from UBC Medical school looking for a keen undergrad student that can help me with a project. This project involves medical images and editing images with a software. It's very easy but repetitive work. We are trying to meet a deadline so I'm looking for someone who has time this week and next. Approx 20-30 hours of work that can be done remotely. Please message me if interested!

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On 11/21/2022 at 9:34 PM, MedicalResearch_UBC said:

Hey Everyone,

Throughout my nursing course, I've been a beneficiary of many platofrm such as https://www.nursingpaper.com/bsn-writing-services/ Their BSN writing services, in general, have been my total game-changer experience. Their level of work and the nursing knowledge they have acquired is commendable. Whenever there is a need for help with my assignments or essays, I definitely know that they will provide good results due to being professional and well-researched. Lastly, the timely delivery of my documents prevents any kind of deadline slippage. I take great comfort in knowing that I have a solid learning and working tool in my pocket, especially when I need to cram for an exam or write an essay. I highly recommend NursingPaper. Follow me on Facebook to get the latest updates and to join fellow nursing students seeking help with their academic work.

its interesting purposue

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