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2.7 GPA in third year. To switch or not switch majors.

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Hey guys,

So I am a third year basic medical sciences student at Western university. I'm at a 2.7 GPA right now. Yea, I know, it's bad, and no, I'm not incompetent, just been dealing with some issues and have a tendency towards laziness sometimes to be honest. I just need some help making a decision by the end of the semester.

Anyways, I was demoted from honours spec medical sciences, which includes a guaranteed capstone research project, to basic medical sciences, which doesn't.  I can stay in basic medical sciences, take a broad set of third year courses (epidemiology, biochem, pharmacology, etc.) in fourth and fifth years and not specialize, or switch into an honours spec in chemistry and biochemistry which includes research projects, take a bunch of second year chemistry courses in fourth year, and then take third and fourth year biochem courses in fifth year, including research projects. I'm interested in chemistry, and we didn't really cover a lot of chemistry in medical sciences. A master's in chemistry is also a great back-up plan; the masters program I'm looking at requires an honours spec. I'm open to moving to the USA, Ireland, and Australia for medicine or dentistry (I've loved both fields since I was a kid). I'm also going to take a bunch of courses during the summer to boost my GPA. The thing is, i can't take any of the second year chemistry courses in the summer to take third year courses in fourth year. This means, if I choose to take the honours spec in chem and biochem, I won't be eligible to apply in Canada (Western, which is a gamble anyways), and will resort to applying to DO, Irish, Australian, and European schools (for dentistry). 


Pros of continuing basic med sci:

Can take third year courses in fourth and fifth year, making me eligible for western med and dentistry.

Avoid the emotional toll of switching programs during fourth year


Cons of continuing basic med sci:

Can't do a master's in chemistry or biochem

No guaranteed research (hard to get with my grades and the competition


Pros of hsp in chemistry/ biochem

Able to take masters

Guaranteed research

interested in chem, may be easier to study because of passion


Cons of hsp in chemistry/ biochem

Second year chem courses in fourth year (ineligible for western med, may look bad for international schools)

Big switch during end of undergrad

Don't know anyone in the program (not that deep)


Any constructive advice is well appreciated :)




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