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Conflicted about Pediatrics vs Family Medicine


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Hi everyone,

I’m a current MS4 going through CaRMS. I’ve applied broadly to both Peds and FM and could genuinely see myself happy in both specialities. So far I’ve been enjoying the interviews and socials for both specialities as well. I’m still very undecided about which speciality I’ll rank first when I create my ROL. I’ve been talking to friends and mentors about it, creating pros and cons lists, engaging in self-reflection, etc. 

I know this is ultimately a very personal choice, but I’m wondering if anyone here has been in a similar situation before, what ultimately led you to choosing one of these two specialities, and if you're happy with your decision now that you're on the other side. I’ve also heard anecdotal stories about people transferring residency programs from Family into Peds, but not the other way around (Peds into Family), although I imagine the latter would be easier. If anyone has any insight into this, I would greatly appreciate your input. Thanks!

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I was considering the same two specialities in 4th year and ended up only applying to family. No regrets at all, I'm happy with my choice and the shorter training time and flexibility are huge perks. Lots of people on here trash talk family, so you'll likely get a few posts like that in this thread but I think it's a great choice depending on what you like/where you want to end up etc. There are also Peds-focused opportunities in FM. The children's hospital where I'm training just created hospitalist-like positions for inpatient that are intended to be more looking after more straightforward Peds cases. Feel free to DM if you want to chat more. 

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8 hours ago, Carms_2023 said:

Hi everyone,

I’m a current MS4 going through CaRMS. I’ve applied broadly to both Peds and FM and could genuinely see myself happy in both specialities. So far I’ve been enjoying the interviews and socials for both specialities as well. I’m still very undecided about which speciality I’ll rank first when I create my ROL. I’ve been talking to friends and mentors about it, creating pros and cons lists, engaging in self-reflection, etc. 

I know this is ultimately a very personal choice, but I’m wondering if anyone here has been in a similar situation before, what ultimately led you to choosing one of these two specialities, and if you're happy with your decision now that you're on the other side.

Depends on what you like about pediatrics vs what you like about FM. I personally hate primary care and my interest is in inpatient tertiary care pediatrics (but I also do clinic), so it was an easy choice for me. But if you like the longitudinal outpatient clinic part of peds I could see the crossover. Also most of the peds I've met also hated treating adults, including myself, so there was that. I didn't back up with FM, but a lot of people applying to peds do. If you have specific things you have questions about I could try to answer (at least from the peds side).

8 hours ago, Carms_2023 said:

I’ve also heard anecdotal stories about people transferring residency programs from Family into Peds, but not the other way around (Peds into Family), although I imagine the latter would be easier. If anyone has any insight into this, I would greatly appreciate your input. Thanks!

I've seen both. It's certainly not a guarantee and should not be relied on as a back-up option. You are correct that peds -> FM is easier and I suspect if someone wanted to do this they would be able to pretty easily as there is usually more room in FM programs. There are usually second round FM CaRMS spots too so there's that pathway. FM to peds is possible but would be dependant on the program's size and spot availability.

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