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interview question - PhD

Guest hemu

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I was just wondering if anyone has applied to medical school as well as a PhD program?


If in your medical school interview, you are asked by your interviewers whether you have applied to a PhD program, what would you say?


I don't want to tell them that i have applied to a PhD program cause that might ruin my chances for getting admissions but I don't want to lie either. What would you do in my position?

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Guest Yangzie

Tell them it's your backup. they're not gonna penalize you since it's not fair to assume that you're gonna dedicate your entire life to med school. it's mad competitive, so they're not gonna be naive about it.


never lie to authorities. it WILL cost you if you do. honesty pays in this case.


good luck.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


During my last year of applying to medical programs, my back-up plan was to proceed with a PhD at UofT (the program for which I had already gained acceptance, funding, and a project tentatively established). I was quite content to take that route had I not been accepted to medicine and all was above board, i.e., my potential supervisors knew that I was interviewing at a number of medical schools and that, if accepted to any of them, I would be rescinding my offer to start the PhD program. During my interviews, at least once the question was asked about my back-up plan if I were not accepted to a medical program that year. I was frank about my plan to proceed with a PhD and that didn't seem to be an issue at all. In fact, the interviewers asked to hear a little more about the project and then we moved seamlessly on to another topic.




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I don't think you have any choice but to tell the truth. Particularly at U of T, I can't imagine that anybody would see a PhD as an inappropriate backup plan that would compromise your dedication to medicine. After all, lots of U of T students enter med school after completing a PhD or are in the MD/PhD program. Probably even more of them contemplated doing a PhD but didn't in the end.


In addition, you don't know what's in your reference letters. If your reference commented on your suitability for grad school, or mentioned that you also considered that, etc, and you deny it, you're not going to look very good...

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