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For those applying in 2007 or 2008

Guest TS

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Hello all,


Well, for all those looking to apply to Medical School in the upcoming years, there is some very good news emerging from the University of Toronto. For some time there has been speculation concerning the expansion of our medical school to include a seperate school at the Mississauga campus. Well, the time has come and the plans are now under way. Apparently, the new school, consisting of upwards of 100 students, will be opening in the upcoming years

(both the Credit Valley Hospital and the Mississauga Trillium Hospital will become teaching hospitals). That means that there will be close to 300 medical students graduating from the University of Toronto in the future. The numbers are just based on word of mouth, so if anyone has some definitive data, their input would be greatly appreciated. However, on Thursday, there will be a formal announcement (via a press conference) to make these plans public. Here is part of the email we received today, which was entitled "UTM Expansion Announcement"...


Dean Catharine Whiteside and Minister Chris Bentley (Training, Colleges and Universities) will make an announcement this Thursday, February 9th, 9:30 - 11a.m. to announce the expansion of U of T's medical school.


Just wanted to make sure that everyone was aware of this developing story and to keep an eye out for the announcement on Thursday!!!



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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


Thanks for the heads up. Cathy Whiteside and company are doing some pretty interesting things. A 300-seat medical school is quite a feat. :)




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Guest patentforamenovale

Yeah, I can confirm hearing that too...I heard from a Pediatrician at Trillium who said that the hospital will soon be taking in students like the downtown ones...great news for future applicants!




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Guest arjuna83

Something deeper may be happening here...


There has been discussion within UTM circles about moving out of UofT and forming a completely independent university in Mississauga. This is also Mississauga Mayor Hazel Mccallion's long term goal.


The campus has been taking gradual steps towards independence; they are no longer part of the faculty of arts and sciences (the campus used to be called Erindale College because it was one of the colleges of the faculty of arts and sciences, but is now UTM), they continue to increase the number of courses that students can take here instead of the downtown campus, steady expansion of campus facilities (they are building a high-tech wellness centre and a state-of-the-art library). The student population is ~10,000.


The only thing that's lacking is the variety of academic faculties. Could this be the next step towards the creation of a new university in Ontario?

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this might be the a new step, but UTM is in no position to seperate from UofT any time soon. in my opinion the funding is not there either is the degrees, and holdings for students. i believe it is great that UTM is increasing its size, but without the St George campus it will become another small university trying to compete with the big dogs. this is not to discredit the smaller universities who are able to compete. this is just my 2 cents.




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Guest siobhansiobhan

Hi there -


Is this in response to the government asking for a more stream-lined process to provide the ability to practice in Canada for foreign-trained doctors? I.e. are these residency spots at these hospitals, or is this truly a doubling of first year spots?



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Is this in response to the government asking for a more stream-lined process to provide the ability to practice in Canada for foreign-trained doctors? I.e. are these residency spots at these hospitals, or is this truly a doubling of first year spots?


This expansion is for undergraduate medicine and it will begin with the first-year class in 2007 (class of 2011)

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Guest patentforamenovale
hi. will the utm campus be using the same weighting formula as st george or will it be different.


There are no details available on such things at the moment, because the plans are very much in the initial stage. However, since the missisauga site will be under the banner of "UofT medical school" i cant imagine them having different requirements....




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The UTM campus is going to have 26 students by 2009. Mac's satellite campus in waterloo will have 38. And UWO's in windsor's going to have 14.


Ottawa's class size is going upto 168 next year, with yearly increases to 2009.

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Guest studentz

Ahhhh...nothing has changed.


There is NOTHING to suggest the eventual class size will be 300, or anywhere close to it. Initially, 26 students will be placed at the UTM academy. The PDF states that the maximum for that academy would be 54. That would put the class ~250, about where it was before the Rae cuts, but at two separate locations.


It will be interesting to see how the placements are determined, but a lot of students probably live out there anyway, 'Sauga is a large city and the hospitals are good, so things should work out.

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Guest anatomist

I read a piece in the Metro this morning (free papers are my lifeline to the outside world..) on the U of T Mississauga campus.


I wish I had it in front of me to quote, but there was a quote within it of a VIP talking about how it will emphasize or focus on primary care - family medicine, general surgery, psychiatry, etc.


How do they plan on doing this? After 4 years and electives within the GTA, graduates should be able to apply to any PGY-1 program. I know this is true, but how is it that people are making quotes about how a school pushes primary care with a goal to increasing family doctors?


1. They can't focus on people that say "I want to go into family" during the interview process.

2. They can't disallow people from applying from non-primary care PGY-1 choices.

3. And, as far as I know, they can't prohibit people from applying to non-primary care choices for 3rd/4th year options.


I think the "sense" (fuzzy use of the word) is that NOSM and Mac bear a similar emphasis, but I don't know that there is any real basis for it.


Are residency directors picky about school of origin above electives during clinical training?

Would someone really be turned away from a specialty position because they did their undergraduate MD at Mississauga campus?


As long as I'm on a query/rant, I assume people will apply to OMSAS under "U of T" - how is the determination to be made as to which campus is attended?

These questions apply equally well to the new St. Catharines/Kitchener/Windsor campuses opening soon.


Just very curious.





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Guest cheech10

From what I understand, it's not so much primary care that will be a focus at the new academy, but community medicine, which is quite different from the academic medicine taught and practiced at the University affiliated hospitals currently and is something we don't get a ton of exposure to (aside from a few rotations like family medicine). I think it will be a great experience as most of us will go on to community practices, not academic ones.

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Guest anatomist

I see,


Yes I just read the PDF's on the UofT medicine homepage, I'd forgotten that UT Meds was set up in a bit of a college-based fashion to begin with (having 3 main academies, the new one would be the fourth).


Well it should be an interesting run for the test year.


Keep us all informed!





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Guest MedSchoolGirl2005

I heard from inside info that mississauga will in the future hold part of U of T med school. Not sure if this is a sooner rather than later expansion. Therefore, the expansion of U of Ts enrollment may dribble over to the Mississauga campus in the future.

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Guest anatomist


That's what I was wondering - if the Mississauga students would have to travel to Toronto regularly for classes.

Which is perhaps less onerous because of GO transit and the ttc, but (and I know it isn't the right forum) it raises the questions for the MacMaster satellite schools - St. Catharines and Kitchener for example.


I suppose time will tell.




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Guest cheech10

It will work the way Sunnybrook does: Most classes for years 1 and 2 are downtown, with clinical skills, community health, and PBL taking place in Mississauga. A free shuttle bus service would take students to and from downtown. In years 3 and 4, almost all work will be at the hospitals affiliated, with only occasional sessions downtown. Again the shuttle bus would be available.

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