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Transfering in after 2nd year

Guest Becca

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How strict is U of T when they say they do not accept transfer students into upper years of medicine? I'm well aware that transfering into 2nd or 4th year would likely be disaterous but it seems as though the transition between 2nd and 3rd year would be equally discontinuous if one stayed at the same school versus if one transferred.


Anyone have ideas on if it would be worth it to inquire about the move? (I'm at UWO but would like to move to Toronto to be close to my family--chronically ill mother, aging grandmother and boyfriend--we were going to move in together until I moved to London and he found work in Toronto and will move in together when [if?] I return to Toronto).



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Hi Becca,


Although I cannot confirm that noone has ever transfered to U of T into second or later years, I imagine that they are strict about not allowing transfers as the admissions website states.


In addition to problems with continuity that you mentioned, there also may not be enough space in the hospitals for clerkship or not enough funding for an additional student. Of course, if someone wanted to transfer to UWO from U of T, that would allevaite that problem, though I don't think that med schools in particular want too many transfers regardless.


I can definitely respect your situation, and I suppose that it doesn't hurt to contact U of T and ask them about a third year transfer. At any rate, I hope that you can deal with your situation as well as you can and that things will work out eventually.


Best wishes.

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Absolutely what I thought.


I actually was thinking about it and realized that at least some of 4th year can be spent in Toronto, anyway, as I would do as many electives as possible in those sites in order to maximize a residency spot at U of T.


Thanks for your input!

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