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is it possible to defer?

Guest amd20

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Guest amd20

Is it possible to defer an acceptance for a year at any Ontario med school? The primary reason would be to finish my undergrad degree...



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Guest byjude

I think every Ontario school will consider requests for deferral for one year to complete either an undergrad or (maybe less commonly?) a grad degree.


It's not a guarantee that you will be able to get one as it is at the discretion of the school, most of which issue a maximum number of deferrals each year (so you'd have a better chance of getting one if you were admitted off the bat rather than coming off a waiting list). But many schools will encourage you to finish your undergrad, if you're willing.


Does anyone know of applicants who were denied the chance to defer (ie, because too many people had deferred already)?

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Guest arjuna83

Does anybody know if schools would look down upon people who apply to med in, say, their third year of a four year specialist degree, opposed to someone in the final year of their program?

The reason I say this is that the ad coms would probably realize that the former person would most PROBABLY seek a deferral in order to complete his/her program; thus, the ad coms would select the latter person who most likely would NOT defer. This is just a thought that has been nagging in my head, as I will be one of the individuals who fit in scenario 1.


Any ideas?

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Guest Ian Wong

To be honest, I think you're probably over-analyzing the situation. :) I don't think med schools really take into account the possibility that you might defer when considering who they accept, simply because many/most applicants are quite willing to bail out of their current program in order to start med school.



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Guest UWOMED2005

Actually, my understanding is that the Ontario medical school's position on deferrals is an extremely individual one, varying highly from school to school.


Unfortunately, I am too removed from the application process to remember which schools are favourable to deferrals and which ones aren't. Maybe somebody else can help you on this point. . .

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Guest aneliz

Unfortunately, byjude's information is not quite correct. As far as I know, there is no consistent policy between schools.


I believe that UofT and Queen's will grant deferrals, Mac will under some circumstances (but not to finish an undergrad degree I don't think), I am not sure about Ottawa, and I KNOW that UWO won't grant deferrals (unless you have a REALLY good reason).


UWO will not grant deferrals to finish your degree (either undergrad or grad degree), travel the world, work, etc. About the only reasons that they will entertain granting a deferral are for 'medical' reasons or extreme 'life situation' reasons...(ie you got hit by a bus this year and are not able to go to school in Sept because you aren't finished rehab or you are pregnant and will deliver this summer/fall...) You must be quite aggressive in convincing them that you have a valid reason to defer...because in principal, they don't like doing it. The general policy at UWO is "don't apply until you are ready to start"....so while there is no difference in how a third year vs a fourth year applicant are treated in the admissions process, a third year applicant had better be willing to take their acceptance, abandon their degree and start in Sept should they have the opportunity offered...because they WILL NOT let you defer to complete your undergrad.

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I know some people at U of A have deferred to finish their degrees, but I have to wonder why because you end up spending an extra year in school (and spending extra money). At U of A you end up completing your undergrad degree when you graduate with your M.D., anyway. It may be the same in Ontario, I am not sure. If you were doing a specialized honours degree you wouldn't get that degree, but nonetheless you do get a BSc.

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Guest byjude



Some schools will look at the 3rd year/4th year situation when deciding whether to invite you for an interview. For instance, Dal explicitly states that, while it is possible to get accepted after 3 years, it's highly unlikely.


Other schools may consider your 3rd or 4th year status more implicitly in deciding your "level of maturity"/life experience. A 3rd year student could be deemed to be in need of more experience, even for no more concrete a reason than the fact that you are in 3rd year.


All other things aside, I don't think most med schools would consciously discriminate against you as a 3rd year student (unless it's specifically mentioned in their admissions info, like Dal) but it could factor in when rating your autobio sketch or interview.

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Guest aneliz

You don't automatically get your BSc if you graduate with an MD in Ontario....if you don't finish the BSc before med or during summers.... you won't have one.

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