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Guest satsumargirl

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Guest satsumargirl

Does anyone know what the job market is like for a neuropatholgist vs. a general or anatomical pathologist?


Is it a bad idea to specialize in terms of maketability?

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  • 1 year later...

I am working with Neuropathologists this summer, so have learnt a bit about what their careers are like.


As a neuropath you are more limited than Anatomical Path or General Path. AP that can work at any large hospital and a GPath that can work pretty much anywhere. Both in private or public institutions. For Neuropath in Canada you would really be limited to only the major teaching centers and there aren't that many Neuropathologists at these sites (maybe 3 at a hospital).


There are only certain schools that offer residency as well. Once done residency I think you would be at the mercy of which every Canadian city had a opening. Many residents will do a researh fellowship in the US after residency, to delay until the job they want is available.


That being said, the programs are changing in Canada, so that you will have to do Anatomical Path first and then do a 2 year Neuropath fellowship after. That way you are employable in Canada after residency, until a neuropath spot opens. Stay tuned!

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  • 2 months later...

Hey again,


In terms of pathology jobs, it appears that in some centres pathologists can focus on a particular area of interest, e.g., neuropath or reproductive pathology, and perform work in this area, as well as in general pathology. So, part of the pathologist's time would be spent reviewing specimens in their area of focus, i.e., they would be the go-to person for particularly puzzling speciments in their area, but they would also cover more general pathology too.




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