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Science One

Guest ML

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I went to the UBC meeting a few weeks ago and the student recruiter mentioned an "Interdiciplinary Program where the sciences are combined" called Science One. Is it worth trying out for that program or is "Interdiciplinary Program where the sciences are combined" just a euphemism for "Freaken hard, stay up 'till 3AM trying to do loads of homework, and try to exist in a class with a bunch of smart-ass keeners"??????

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I'd have to agree with the "Freaken hard, stay up 'till 3AM trying to do loads of homework, and try to exist in a class with a bunch of smart-ass keeners" description. :) Sorry any Science One people!


It really depends on what kind of experience you want in first year. I didn't take it, but from what I hear Science One is a very good program. I don't think people regret taking it. But it is very different from the typical first year of huge lecture halls, midterms only, etc.


Hmm...re-reading my post, I can see I didn't help much. Personally, I like big lectures halls, etc. I wouldn't have enjoyed Science One. But if you're into learning science hardcore, you might like it.

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You can find out more about Science One at www.science.ubc.ca/~science1/. Determining whether it'd be easier/harder is difficult to say. In my opinion, if you like group work, research, discussing answers, etc. then it might be good for you. But if you like listening to lectures and reading the textbook then the regular program might be better.


In either program, you'll probably end up with decent marks if you study hard. You'll have access to a few regular courses in first year and you'll have to take traditional courses for the rest of the degree anyway, so it might be interesting to start off with Science One instead.


It really all depends. I think the program allows students to shadow classes for a day. That might be a good idea.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest aNoN

from one who has taken science one, I will try to offer some advice. I was in Science One in 98 and I've just graduated, so it seems a bit foggy in my mind right now, but I will try.

I don't regret taking Science One, but, it was an incredible challenge. Coming from a highschool where I was rarely challenged, I was jolted into a class of superachievers. While you may be the top of your class in highschool, so is everyone else. This was humbling. The teaching is excellent and you will have an opportunity to get to know your profs (as well as the other students!) that you wouldn't in a regular first year program.

you will be busy, you will wish you had never heard of science one and you will get angry, but there are 70 odd other students and 4 (+/-)profs to keep you on track. Although my first year science one average was considerably lower than subsequent years, I still think it was worth it and that I learned alot. It could change the way you look at science, for the better I hope.

Any other questions? I could go on and on now that I've started...


Good luck for whatever you decide.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm a Science One student from 99/00. I never regret taking Science One. You will never be challenged ever again like this in your life. I agree right in the middle of it, you will be very very very angry at yourself and frustrated. One typical week goes like this: 5 chapters of physics, biology, chemistry and math; 1 session of guest lectures + info; tutorial and homework; plus whatever else other regular students are doing and that's the basics that won't be tested directly. On top of that everyone has a year long project, monthly and weekly projects. And some projects keeners came up. For example, someone want to know every tree on campus. We spent whole year mapping every tree on campus. Remember you are surrounded by Science fanatics, e.g. one group of students made fireworks, another made some weird physics instruments, etc. Everyone's the top of their high school class, thus you have to really work on a daily basis. You are evaluated on a daily basis too.

The upside? You are part of a network of Science Oners. For those planning to go to medicine, great reference letter, and you can say with confidence that you will fit the PBL style just great.

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