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Anyone looking for roommates?

Guest sukhbinder

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Guest sukhbinder

Hey Everyone,


I'm looking to move into either Thunderbird or Marine residence, and I thought it might be nice to live in a 4 person suite with some of my classmates. In case anyone else is interested, here's my info:


I'm male, turning 22 in July. I'd say I'm a tidy person; my room at home is quite neat and clean. Although I'm trying to become an early bird, I'm finding it difficult to fall into a routine. Most of my friends tell me I am very disciplined and have a strong work ethic when it comes to school. My hobbies include sports, sports, and sports. I love ice hockey, golf, and squash. I don't mean to boast in any way, shape or form when I say this, but I believe that I am very easy going.


And where do I fall on the work vs. play spectrum? I try to focus on both, but probably lie a bit more to the work side.


Anyways, that's me!





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Guest Persistent

Do you know if Thunderbird shared suites (the 4 BR ones) have two bathrooms??? I have seen the Marine Drive one and they do.



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