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Another Question for Current IMPers

Guest Burachan83

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Guest Burachan83

When I initially signed up for IMP I was under the impression that we would be spending 3 terms in Victoria and then in 3rd/4th year we would have the opportunity to choose where we would like to complete our medical training throughout all of BC ( www.med.ubc.ca/education/...ograms.htm ).


Now, reading through the UVic website on IMP, it kind of suggests that we MUST do most of our rotations on Vancouver Island (aside from electives where of course we could do anywhere in Canada) ( imp.uvic.ca/admissions/pr.../index.php ).


Can anyone provide any insight on this? Are we bound to Vancouver Island for most of 3rd/4th year or do we have a choice to go back to the mainland?

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Guest defenestrater

As far as I know they do expect us to stay on the island for years 3/4 (with the exception of the electives). They have the system worked out such that there are enough spots here for all of us, and enough spots in VFMP for all the vancouver people, and they led us to believe that changing sites in 3rd year would be a difficult process. I seem to recall hearing that if you could find someone who wanted to switch with you it might be doable, but that's maybe wishful thinking on my part (my brain is not very reliable in these few days post exams :) ) Of course, if there are extenuating circumstances, maybe they can work something out. But hey, it's more years on the island, right? ;)

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I am accepted to the IMP this year and was wondering if in years 3 and 4 are we moved to far locations such that our living arrangements must change? or does the living situation remain constant throughout the 3 and 4th years.





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Guest islander09

hey guys you shouldn't worry too much about years three and four.


You should know that some nice facilities are being built here at Royal Jubilee and Vic General with sleeping rooms, and clinical skills rooms etc... good luck finding something that nice in Van.


Keep in mind that the IMP is going into its third year and they are working things out VERY well and your best interests are being kept in mind.


I do believe that ER rotations might be in Duncan for year 2 and 3, but Duncan is not far from Vic, and things may change regarding where that rotation is conducted.


enjoy your summer guys!

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Guest physiology



If you're in the IMP and would like to come back to Vancouver, it is very difficult unless you have extremely compelling circumstances. Love unfortunately doesn't count (ie. a b/f, g/f, husband, wife).


In 3rd year, there is an option to do your clerkship in Chilliwack. Although Chilliwack isn't Vancouver, that's about as close as you're going to get unless you do your 2 weeks of 3rd year electives in Vancouver and/or choose to do most of your 4th year electives in Vancouver.



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