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Just Out of Curiosity... can anyone answer these questions?

Guest JTTC

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Guest JTTC

1. I scored quite well on my AQ and NAQ (a few points above both averages). However, my MCAT was only 29Q, should I write again? I'm quite confident I can score significantly higher if I do, but don't want to go through the trouble if that's not necessary.


2. I noticed on the breakdown that there are checkboxes for "third year", "completing course material", "completing pre-req", etc. Are these red flags bad?

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Guest GundamDX

I'll give it a shot:


1. 29Q is acceptable, I think. I had a 29R; 11, 8, 10. Having said that, anything below 8 seems to be causing some ppl problems. Did you get a flag?


2. Not sure what you mean by "third year." If you are a third year applicant, you probably need higher scores to get in (ie very good marks and ECs) (Don't bash me on this, it's something I've heard from various sources).


Good luck.

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Guest GundamDX

flag as in a red flag... something that the adcoms doesn't like about your application? it could come from your pre-reqs, MCAT, or reference letters :P others could probably explain this better

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