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Guest TBell

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Guest TBell

Does anyone know what our weekly timetable will look like? For example, what time does class start and end? How long are lectures and labs?

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Guest islander09



Expect to party for the first week, then MWF you start @ 8am. Usually Monday afternoons are off. Tuesdays usually stretch from 8am to 4pm 1st term. I think that you usually have a 9 or 10am start on Thursdays and end at around 5pm or so, but the schedule is usually a little different every week.


Anatomy is friday afternoons..Fun!


Don't worry about all of that right now, just enjoy your summer and your free time!:eek


Because soon you'll be :x :x :x


just kidding (not really), enjoy your summer...

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Guest canstowski

this is basically ur first term timetable


PBL MWF 8-10 (case wrap up fridays 11-12)

DPAS W 1-4

INDE Tu 1-3

FMPR Thurs (depends on where u are assigned, how keen your family preceptor is and if you have workshop that week. Usually 1-4:30)


Histology (usually tuesday 10-12)

Anatomy friday 1-5 (well u can take off early if u want)


Lectures/workshops/random labs are scattered in between. Some weeks u get a break here and there, other weeks, its jam packed.


And yes you get to go home early on mondays.

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Guest kupo

bottom line: its not like your typical undergrad. with the exception of one morning or one afternoon, you are stuck in class.


in later semesters, they give you more "free time", but they pack on the workload to essentially nullify your other free time heh.


Welcome to medicine! :)



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