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Anybody planning on passing on UBC?

Guest grobz

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Guest loud noises

I passed...I'm going to U of A! I miss my BC home, but I had to pick the school in the city where the hockey's good...GO OILERS!

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Guest jammyjams

UBC is my only acceptance but I'm thinking about it. I was accepted to NMP but living in PG may not be an option. Not sure yet though, trying to sort it out...

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Guest loud noises

hey there shetland,


no U of A isn't better...but then again, no school is really "better" than any other- it's all a matter of what you're looking for in a school. i chose U of A for a ton of small reasons that all added up to make alberta the clear choice for me. originally, after interviews i actually couldn't decide between ubc and u of a; some of my reasons include the fact that i did my undergrad in edmonton, i have a job here that i committed to, i just did a major move within the city, my boyfriend will more than likely be doing dentistry here, living costs, etc. u of a just worked out to be the perfect fit for me.


good luck at UBC! i hope that at some point in the next 4 years i'll be able to do an elective in vancouver because the bc license plate motto of "beautiful british columbia" is so true, and i do miss it.

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Guest lidia

I'm most likely passing on UBC and the other schools I applied to to go to Queen's.


It really isnt a "better" or "worse" thing... I just had a fantastic interview weekend in Kingston, I thought I could fit in well with the students and faculty I met there, I want a change from Vancouver (never lived anywhere else!), and I thought the smaller program could be really nice for me.


As someone pointed out to me this week, it really is a win-win situation :)

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