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Organic chem + bio lab problems

Guest leviathan

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Guest leviathan

Is anyone else in here having trouble with getting that second semester of organic chem + lab? I have chem 233, but of course I can't take any other semesters of organic at UBC.


Also, I'm not a bio major so I've only done 121/140 and although I've done other bio courses, none had labs so I need a second bio lab.


Any ideas what I can do? What did you guys do? This is obviously pertaining to applications to other schools, because I fulfill the pre-reqs for UBC.

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Guest FungManX

i thought for general chem we could use 121 and 205

and for organic we could use 123 and 233+235


for biol lab i took biol 140 and biol 153 =p

ask harris if you can take the 153 lab during the summer since you already have credit for the course he could probably adjust the grade around?

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Guest FungManX

if your not interested in that, maybe you should look into biol 360,61,62 for the physiology lab... try to integrate them into your degree as general elective credit?

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Guest ubcparamedic

Chem 121+233+235 is not accepted as a full year of organic chem at most schools in Canada. Leviathin you should do an organic course through athabasca. Do the second part, it isnt hard at all, you will have to go to Edmonton one weekend for the lab but in the end its all worth it. As far as Biology labs go DONT take Animal physiology if you dont have too. The labs are a lot of work and the class isnt very easy. Take a class like Plants and People which comes with a lab, and if you work hard, you should be able to get at least an A-

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Guest leviathan

i thought for general chem we could use 121 and 205

and for organic we could use 123 and 233+235

No, because even if that was possible, we still don't have a lab for chem 205 so I'd be short one lab.


for biol lab i took biol 140 and biol 153 =p

ask harris if you can take the 153 lab during the summer since you already have credit for the course he could probably adjust the grade around?

That's a possibility. I'm also sending an e-mail to Dr. Pearson (director for physiology) to see if he'll let me into the honours physiology lab that the phys students take in conjunction with Phyl 301.

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Guest leviathan

Welcome to the forums UBCparamedic. Are you working out of the UBC detachment of BCAS?


What's wrong with the animal physiology lab, if you don't mind sharing?


Also, are you saying I could get credit for organic chem WITH a lab through Athabasca, and I'd only have to go to a lab for two days?

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Guest bojangles99



Er, just wanting to clarify... which schools in Canada don't accept CHEM 235, 233, and 123 as organic chem? Which leads me to my next question, what course would fufill their organic chem requirement, then?



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Guest ubcparamedic

Hey Leviathin. I never took Animal Physiology I am in Human Physiology right now, but I had about 10 friends take that course. They all agreed that the lab took up way too much time for the reports and that the final lab exam was a pain. It will require a lot of work, and that work may not get you the grade you are looking for. As far as Athabasca goes, they would give you equivalency for Organic 1 and therefore you could take Organic Part 2. Its correspondence so its not very hard, and for the lab component you just have to go down to Edmonton for 3 (8 hour days: Friday, Sat, Sunday). They have various times of the year in which you can go. This way you will have all your organic credits, and not have to worry about anything


I am graduating UBC this year, I will be starting the PCP program at JIBC in Sept, hence the name.

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Guest ubcparamedic

Hey bojangles I know Manitoba doesnt accept it. Every school in Canada and US says 6 credits of Organic Chemistry, and most dont consider 121 as Organic, because it has the Physical Chem component to it. Its a very tricky area, and you would have to probably email the schools you are interested in to know exactly for sure whether or not you meet the requirements. My friends were told they didnt meet requirements at a few schools, I will find out from them and let you know.

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Guest leviathan

Hey UBCparamedic,


I'm doing human physiology next year and going to attempt to do the lab work as well.


Good luck with the PCP program. I've been an EMR for awhile and will be doing the PCP either this September or next summer depending on what my schedule is like.

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Guest leviathan

I've had my EMR (which is higher than OFA 3) for a few years already. The driver licensing is just a matter of booking a test for me and borrowing one of the ambulances from my volunteer division. :hat

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Guest ubcparamedic

Hey Leviathin Human Physiology is an awsome class. Very interesting, lots of work, but if you put the effort in you will get a good mark. I have also been an EMR for a little while now, I havent done work in BC, however I have been in India doing volunteer work there and its been awsome. I have seen you post on other forums and I think you work at GM place, that must be a cool position.

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Guest ubcparamedic

Hey supa76 to apply to PCP you need the following: OFA 3 or EMR

Class 4 drivers license (restricted or unrestricted)

Physical fitness assessment

2 page essay

Criminal record check, immunizations etc bunch of other small things


The PCP program is already full for September at the JIBC, the next course is starting in January. Heres the link if you are interested. http://www.jibc.ca/paramedic

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Guest leviathan

I've done 6 credits of nursing physiology back in first year, and loved the course. Did Biology 12 in high school and it was similar to that, but much more in depth and interesting.

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Guest leviathan

Hi ubcparamedic,


Yes, I help with medical coverage at all the Canucks games and concerts held at GM place. I've dealt with a lot of medical stuff there, cardiac arrests, and some trauma (usually due to fights!). If you're interested in doing some volunteering with us, we could always benefit from the expertise and training of PCPs in our division. :smokin

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Guest ubcparamedic

Hey leviathan once I am done in December it would be awsome to do some work at GM place. Good way to get more volunteer experience and also I LOVE THE CANUCKS!!!

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Guest leviathan

That's the best part of it is the Canucks, except for their performance this season. ;)


If you're interested, PM me with your e-mail and I'll drop you a line with more information.

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Guest supa76

wow, i cant believe its full...


There goes the only back-up plan I had for next year. That's going to add just that little bit of extra stress for mid-May that I really didn't need!

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Guest ubcparamedic

Yes it got full in Mid-March eventhough application deadline wasnt until mid-July. There are a lot of jobs in Paramedics right now in BC, so the demand is huge, and now a lot of people want to do it. Good pay, good work, good schedule. Hopefully you wont need your backup plan!

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Guest FungManX

going back to the topic, i wonder if these following courses could count for a second organic chemistry course?



CHEM 333 (3) Spectroscopic Techniques in Organic

Chemistry Application of mass spectrometry, and NMR, UV/visible, and IR spectroscopies to organic chemical problems. [3-0-0]

Prerequisite:Either (a) all of CHEM 203, CHEM 204 or (B) all of CHEM 233, CHEM 205.


CHEM 412 (3) Industrial Organic Chemistry

The production and use of primary petrochemicals; plastics and synthetic fibres; pharmaceutical agents; insecticides, herbicides and insect pheromones, dyes, detergents, perfumes and flavours; commercially important microbial transformations. [3-0-0]

Prerequisite: Either (a) all of CHEM 233, CHEM 235 or (B) all of CHEM 231, CHEM 232 or © all of CHEM 203, CHEM 204 or (d) CHEM 260.

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Guest ubcparamedic

I dont think 412 will do the trick either because it doesnt come with a lab. If you really need to, take Organic at one of the colleges in the lower mainland like Douglas, Kwantlen, Capilano, Langara, and that should eliminate any problems you may encounter if you apply to schools other then UBC.

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