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Organic chem + bio lab problems

Guest leviathan

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Guest FungManX

hey just another offtopic question...

I'm planning on going to langara to do a nursing degree If i don't make it into pharmacy or nursing this year at UBC.


While I take nursing at langara, if i take both organic chems is it possible to apply to eastern schools? since i've completed the majority of my pre-req credits at UBC already?


will they know that langara college is..... well.. langara?

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Guest TKP 123

I got the worst mark in Chem 333 out of all my organic chems. I found spectroscopy much drier and more difficult than the mechanism based Chem 313 (bio-organic), Chem 203, and 204. I was glad that I dont have to deal with any of the stuff in Chem 333 after graduation.

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Guest ubcparamedic

Hey FungManX if you are going to Langara for Nursing then yes you can take all your organics there and apply to whatever schools you want. I know a few people who have done their first 2 years in colleges like Langara, and are now completed medical school. It doesnt matter what college/university you do your courses as long as you have the pre-reqs everything is the same. Just a question for you. I thought they are getting rid of the Nursing program at UBC, my cousin is in 3rd year, and I was told that her year is the last to graduate with a BSCN from UBC.

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Guest FungManX

^you must be mistaken but nursing will probably always be there... the only thing that has actually changed from last year to this year is that they stopped the highschool entry option and changed it completely to 3rd year entry option meaning there will be more seats for people that want to apply to UBC nursing.


Also, in my last post there seems to have been a misunderstanding. I meant to say what if I completely completed a degree in Langara.. (langara nursing).


I've done the pre-reqs already at UBC (chem 121/123,233/235/205, math 102/103, engl 110/112, etc.).. my plan right now is (at the end of my second year) if I don't get into ubc nursing, and take up the degree program at Langara, is it possible to still apply for med? even though my pre-reqs are done I'm not sure if the rest of my degree would count since its coming from a community college..


thanks in advance for input

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest tigerlily

PCP is my backup plan too :D I've done the volunteer thing with St. John Ambulance for about 7 or 8 years now (Leviathan - I'm guessing you're with SJA too?). If you're going to be at the Abbotsford Air Show I might be there (I'm in Vic but we usually send over a vehicle). We should meet up!

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Guest leviathan

Hey Tigerlily,


I'm with SJA and I do the Airshow every year. I've made a few connections with some emergency physicians in the Lower Mainland through SJA as well that come to the Airshow.


I see you got some good news, so if you're sticking around with SJA make sure you say hello this August in Abbotsford. Do you mind if I ask you what ECs you had? Your stats seem very similar to mine based on your post in the other thread. I'm applying this September.


PS - Congrats! :D

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Guest tigerlily

Hey Levi,

Thanks :) If I get over to the mainland for the airshow this year, we'll definitely have to connect! I'd love to see what the Van brigade is like considering the Victoria branch has been such a huge part of my life for so long.

My EC's... well, it really helped that I took a semester off after I graduated university and went to Africa - not so much the Africa part, but the fact that the entire 3.5 months were volunteer... I knew the experience could be beneficial for getting into med school but I had never even considered the fact that, quite simply, number of hours count. If you can devote that amount of time to volunteer hours *anywhere* (not just a third world country), it's bound to help. Obviously the list of EC's was long and varied (I made sure I filled it up... even stating things like being a regular blood donor etc.) But the big ones were:


St. John Ambulance: 1000+ hours regular member

200 hours Bike Squad

200 hours Stores


Celebrant Singers (travelling music group I spent a summer with): 850 hours


Africa: Mengo Hospital: AIDS homecare: 200 hours

TB Clinic: 72 hours

Sanyu Babies home: 150 hours

St. Joseph's Hospital: 2 weeks


Various youth leader stuff over the years added to about 600 hours.


I was the president of the Red Cross club at UVic: 150 hours


Search and Rescue: 150+ hours


Candystriping: 200 hours


Plus various music, sports, and academic activities throughout high school and university. I listed everything from my first aid certificates to my soccer and junior citizenship awards (any non-academic awards).


Hope that helps! If you want anything more comprehensive just let me know. BEST of luck to you as you get your application ready. Leave yourself TONS of time - it takes forever. Also, put a LOT of effort, time and thought into your essay. You need to give yourself every chance! It's competitive, and sadly, many people (like some of the wonderful friends I made on this board) are totally qualified and will make amazing doctors, but don't get accepted. It's a bit of a crapshoot when it all comes down to it. BUT... do your best, and then realize that once you've done everything you can do, it's out of your hands.

Take care :)

See you in August hopefully!

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Guest GundamDX

That's totally impressive... I'm not sure if putting ALL of my EC entries together will get me 1000 hours in total ! That's quite some work that you've done tigerlily :P

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Guest tigerlily

Thanks Gundam... I really hope it didn't come across as bragging :o That definitely wasn't my intention. The only reason I have so many hours is that all of those things have been things I've been passionate about... I've loved volunteering since I was little. I've also been really lucky to have been eligible for student loans, so I took an entire summer off once, plus 4 months in the fall after I graduated etc. Plus the St. John stuff has been over 8 years, etc... I've been really fortunate to have had so much support over the years, which has allowed me to pursue these things. On the flip side... I often put so much time into volunteering that my grades suffered, which was NOT a smart move. UBC was my saving grace because they took my EC's into consideration so heavily!

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Guest leviathan

Hey tigerlily,


You sound like a great person, and I'm so happy that you got in! You're JUST the type of person that I'd want to have as my doctor, and by that I mean someone who is passionate about their work and about people. I feel the same way about my volunteering, so I know where you're coming from. I've been in SJA for 2.5 years now, and I've done close to 1000 hours already my division's OIC, advanced training module evaluator/instructor, BTS level 1 + 2 evaluator/instructor, and of course all the public duty hours.


Sounds like you had a ton of other stuff in there as well to pad your ECs, because other than SJA, I only have 200 hours as an emerg triage volunteer, and 1000s of hours working in summers and part time during school that prevents me from doing other stuff...


Send me a PM and I'll make sure I drop you a hello at the airshow this August.

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