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disability insurance

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Guest transplant

Can anyone enlighten me on the need for getting disability insurance. It says in the response to offer letter that "all medical students are strongly advised to purchase disability insurance prior to start of the program". First, why do we need it? What could happen? Second, has anyone ever entered the program without it? I have life insurance but I'm concerned I won't be eligible for disability insurance.

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Guest tigerlily

I think the point of disability insurance is in case of illness or injury that would prevent you from finishing your studies. Once you've paid tuition, you can't get it back... and if you suddenly find yourself unable to work (let alone finish med school), you'd have a heck of a time paying off your student loans. This is all just conjecture, so if someone knows anything for sure, please correct me! I have no idea where to get it though... I'm guessing we'll find out more about it in our registration packages?

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Guest adduction

You will find out more as the weeks go by. Many people in my class (Class of 2009) didn't have disability insurance before starting med school. The medical school will hold an information session regarding disability insurance and there will be an evening planned where you can compare different plans.


I do recommend looking into this though and talking to a few people about it.

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