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update from web

Guest TBell

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Guest TBell

direct from the web page:


Offers - May 15, 2006

The UBC MD Undergraduate Office will be updating application statuses via the online application forms and will be unable to answer emails and phone calls related to your application status until mid-week. Thank you for your patience.


posted: 9am PST, May 15, 2006

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Guest medsmurf

Thanks for the update. ooohhh...so close now. I'm not logging into my application until other people have posted...I'm too scared.

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Guest medsmurf

Hey Lurker, do you mean my first choice of sites at UBC or my top choice of schools?


Well to answer both questions anyways. IMP is my first choice at UBC. And if I get into UBC it will be a very difficult decision between UBC and Calgary.


By the way, congrats on U of A acceptance. Having an acceptance under your belt sure takes the pressure off. It's exciting to see that things have finally worked out for us this year.

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Guest Persistent



Do you think they update all offers & rejections and then publish it live or do u think they update offers and publish them and then update rejections and then update them after? Or do you think they randomly or alphabetically update X number of files and publish them and go onto another batch of updates??

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Guest tigerlily

Oh my goodness. I don't think I can wait another day! At least we know that they've definitely started now, and I'm guessing we'll all know by tomorrow evening if they're starting taking calls on Wednesday. Not that my speculation means anything, LOL! I think I'm going to start madly cleaning my house and try to limit myself to checking once every 15 minutes :rollin

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Guest Parii

Hi there,


I am really going crazy.... I have been @#%$ around almost everyone for no reasons...:(


I hope my supervisor will stay at home today or I lose my job for sure,


stay tight,



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