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~ 5 more days....

Guest goodgye

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Guest goodgye

Only about 5 days left. Don't know whether to feel scared, disappointed or ecstatic. Mostly feeling anxious now...just want to find out once and for all..either this summer's going to kick ass or suck for most of us :|

How's everyone else handling the wait??

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Guest fezzik99

The things is.....there is nothing any of us can do at this point so why get super stressed over it? I say relax, kick back, have a beer (or 10) and enjoy the rest of the waiting time.


Good luck

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Guest loud noises

Hey there...yes, I know I should relax because I can't do anything about it now, but a week ago I started getting the same dream/nightmare consistently every night: It's all about me finding I don't get in (but for some reason all the dreams have to do with American schools- I never even applied to the States:p ) and then crying noncessantly.


Pretty fun times- May 15th please hurry up!

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Guest Parii

Hi there,


I have a feeling that they might update the online applications this Friday. It has been always their strategy to blow up the bomb Fridays so that people get a chance to 'cool off' during the weekend. If they update the applications on Monday, they will get calls from emotionally loaded applicants like crazy. At least that is what I have been told by a few people.


The wait is really killing. I just can't get over the last year rejection still and am afraid to check my application. It is like if you have been in an awful accident and have lost someone and you don't want to ever touch the steering wheels ever again.


We will get through this; stay tight :D



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Guest Persistent

I've already gone crazy I think...


I am getting chills just reading these posts about the results being in soon.:(


I've been trying to decide where I want to be when I get the news. Should I be home where my parents will be here to say "don't worry, it's okay, things will work out".... or do I want to be alone so I don't have to hear that over and over. But I've been planning for Monday...what if Parii is right..!?! I should plan my whereabouts for Friday as well!!! :P


This determines whether or not I stay in Canada :rolleyes This is the part that really scares me!!!


Oh well, what can we do...


I feel like I should party this weekend cuz if I don't get in, I won't feel like partying next weekend. BUT, I don't think I can really enjoy myself this weekend. I feel like if I put alcohol in my system I will just explode and start bawling for no reason (even before the results come in)!


Anyhow, just felt like letting out some anxiety!



"happy waiting"

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Guest MKxox

I think the addmissions site says that they'll notify us through the website.

I agree with Parii that they'll probably post the results on Friday, either Friday the 12 (most likely) or Friday the 19. Either way there's just a few days left.

I hope we all get in!



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Guest GundamDX

to be honest I am not anxious/ nervous at all. As I said in another post it's impossible to let all the qualified candidates in (ie picking 4 out of 10 people that I know that got interviews) which means it's almost a matter of luck. I'll just have to deal with the outcome whatever that might be, so I don't feel like I am in a hurry to find out what's installed for me lol.

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Guest Tyler

For me I just want to know what I will be doing in September (like all of you im sure!) - I feel like the results will finally let me make a bunch of decisions and plan ahead, like where am I going to be living, if I don't get in I can start looking for work, etc.


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Guest Paulchemguy

ah i dreamt about getting a denial too haha, but as a recall, after i hear the news, somehow i was cheering about it with other rejected applicants. weird eh? :rollin

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Guest csp0304

This is a quote from another thread.


"This email was from Victoria Lambert, the student affairs coordinator at UBC:


Hello SABB-10 members!




Well the count down is on Our Admissions Office tells me that acceptance/offer packages will be going out to would-be students the week after next (May 15th to 19th!!) I bet the wait has been tough but it's almost over!! Good luck everyone!!"


So it probably won't be the 12th. I'm really hoping that it would be the 15th. I can't wait any longer.


Like someone else said, I hope everyone on this board gets in.

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Guest Parii

Hi there,


As an attempt to not get crazy waiting until this Friday/or next: let¡¦s imagine the worst: You are rejectedƒ¼


What is the worse thing someone would tell you (unintentionally!), while trying to make you feel better?




¡§I know, one day you will make a great doctor; don¡¦t worry!¡¨

¡§Hang in there; I am sure they will finally realize that you are not kidding. Don¡¦t give up¡¨

¡§How about nursing? Nowadays, nurses do the same things as doctors do.¡¨

¡§Are you going to apply again?¡¨

¡§I think you have so many other things going on for yourself! Medicine is not the only career out there¡¨

¡§Are you going to get married now?¡¨



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Guest Paulchemguy

1) You should be happy that you got this far and had an interview!

2) Awwww! I'm sure you'll get in next year.

3) Why the hurry? You have many more years to come!


Screw that, i say! :hat

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Guest GundamDX

so does that mean the online status will change next week but not this friday?? i guess if you get something in your mail that means you're in lol

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Guest Burachan83

Just to comment on the email from Victoria Lambert that states that the acceptance packages will be mailed out the week May 15th-19th, if you want to nitpick she was talking about the acceptance PACKAGES. We MAY be notified though the online application system sooner.


Last year, we were notified online Fri., May 13th and acceptance packages were sent out the week May 16th-20th.


So if they followed the same pattern as last year, we may be notified Fri., May 12th with acceptance packages being mailed out next week. Either way we'll find out really really soon.

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Guest GundamDX

yeah that what i thought too. I was thinking if i dont get anything in the first 2 days of next week i am probably screwed coz campus mail is the fastest !!! lol :rollin

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Guest fezzik99

I'm thinking that we're going to get an email saying that there is a message for us regarding the status of our application on the secure website.....blah. blah, blah. So, I wouldn't worry about accidently finding out that your status has changed.....you'll get an email first.


Tomorrow makes sense to me although they did say that it would be mid may which could mean next friday.


Were do you guys see that the mailings are going out sometime next week.....couldn't find anything other than "midmay" on the website.


Ok.....now I'm stressing myself out.



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Guest fezzik99

OK, how about some jokes to pass the time and make everyone laugh....I think it will be good therapy. I'll go first but I have to warn you the joke is really, really bad.


Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar....

H1: I think I've lost my electron....

H2: Are you sure?

H1: I'm positive!


hahaha. Alright I KNOW someone can do better than that!

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Guest liz80

Last year, there were no emails sent to prompt us to check the website. We just logged in on that fateful Friday and found out.

Good luck guys.

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Guest brownie99

AHHHHH I can't take it anymore!!!! God I just don't want to hear all the well-meant comments of "Oh they're stupid not to take you" or "Just cause you didn't get in doesn't mean you aren't qualified". It doesn't matter if they SHOULD take me, the only thing that matters is if they DO! STRESS STRESS STRESS!!!!!! Oh well. I hope they tell us by Monday at the latest, cause I'm already planning not to go to work that day so I can absorb the news either way (and maybe some beer too) :smokin

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Guest goodgye

I took off work on Monday thinking that was the day we'd probably be finding out, but the thought the we could find out tomorrow is making me even more scared. Why the hell did i start this damn post???!!!!:(

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Guest Lurkergonepublic

Does anyone else hear "Jaws" music in the background while reading this thread? You can cut the tension with a knife (if it's sharp enough).


and maybe some beer too

I assume that beer consumption could be for either reason as well? :lol

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