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Summer Housing

Guest MegaDreamer

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Guest MegaDreamer



I'm going to be working at UBC this summer from May 1 - August 31. I was wondering if anyone out there has a sublet... Preferably, it would be walking distance to the campus.



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Guest RoseSmurfette

Hi MegaDreamer,


You might try looking into campus housing. Because UBC's such a huge campus, I think you'll have trouble finding non-campus housing that is within walking distance (although there is a lot within easy busing distance). If you're considered a UBC student (and you might want to try hard to be considered as such since it'll give you benefits like the UPass) you can apply for regular summer housing. If not, I think that some places that are normally residences in the school year rent out to non-students although I'm not sure of the details. You can try contacting some campus housing people. The website is: http://www.housing.ubc.ca




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Guest hychung

Hey, if you're looking for a place that's within walking distance to ubc, then your best bet is residence. I worked there one summer in a lab and ended up staying at Fairview, which is a 4-bedroom duplex. You share the (tiny) kitchen w/ up to 3 others. I say "up to" 3 others because as the summer went by, my room-mates who were international students, started going back to their home country. So in the end, I had the entire place to myself for about 3 weeks.


If you don't mind staying off-campus (I don't think you will be eligible for a UPass...I wasn't), you'll probably pay about the same amount ($500 for a sublet) and will probably have less room-mates to deal with. Oh and Fairview housing can get extremely hot in the summers especially if you get an upstairs room. The kitchen is also tiny, you get blocks of wood covered with upholstery as furniture, and the common areas probably won't be so clean when you move in because there will already be idiots living there.


Here's a great rental listing site: www.amsrentsline.com/


You should be able to find some decent sublets. If you're wanting to sublet one of those condos on campus, you better be willing to fork over at least $800 per month.


As for staying off-campus, try to find a place that is near a bus route that goes directly to UBC. Good luck.

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Guest RoseSmurfette

If you're a non-UBC student and looking to live on-campus. Here's the website:




...especially useful may be the Conferences and Accommodations link.


Yeah, I agree with you hychung - Fairview isn't the model of comfort. I'd try the West Coast suites or Gage Towers. (Although I'm not sure of the relative costs).

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Guest leviathan



The house I'm living in right now will have a sublet open when I leave from exactly May 1 - Aug. 31. It's in the Dunbar/Southlands area, and 8-10 minutes by bus to campus.


PM me if you are interested.

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