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Anatomy 391

Guest Smurfmed

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Guest Smurfmed


Has anyone taken Anatomy 391 with Dr. Roskelley? Can any of you tell me if it's a straightforward course with 1 midterm & final exam or are there any additional assignment, quizzes, etc.? Thanks!

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Guest leviathan

I plan on taking it in January...I heard it's a pretty easy class for a 3rd year course, and that he's a great prof.

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Guest Smurfmed

I just hate taking courses with little assignments that are worth so little and yet they take a lot of your time to complete. I like the straightforward midterm & final system.


You're taking it too, huh? Well, see there in Jan.

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Guest Dunes

I loved this class and got 88% on it!! It is made up of 2 midterms and a final (or at least that was the case when I took it few years back). Dr. Roskelley is pretty nice and if you keep up with this course material youll be fine. You will have various lecturers, some which give good notes and other in which you'll hav to be really fast in taking notes, but they're all so nice. After every lecture I used to just go over the lecture of that day and look in the book under the same topic, take down some extra notes and that was it.


Exams are multiple choice which can be tricky sometimes, but if you study you'll do well.


Hope this helps :)



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Guest mysticalbc

My favourite course at UBC

I think anatomy 391 is one of the most well-stuctured courses at ubc,,, it is mostly taught by Dr. Roskelley (who is without a doubt, one of the best profs) and a couple of lectures are taught by other profs... i took this course last semester.. it has two midterms and one final (the midterms are 80% multiple choice and 20% short answer but very very straight forward,, no tricky questions)

other than marks, this course is very interesting and teaches u a lot about human anatomy

also, Dr. Roskelley writes clear notes on the overhead as he teaches so u dont have to worry about being a fast note-taker,,, most of the other profs also write down what they say or they have prepared notes that are put online,, if not, Dr. Roskelley writes a detailed summary of the lecture which is again, posted online

i would definitely recommend this course to everyone

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Guest adduction

I don't think I could have said it any better than mysticalbc did just there. I also took this course last semester and enjoyed it thoroughly. The one thing though that I'd probably add is that he (Roskelly) introduced tutorials this year...where you actually got to go into the anatomy lab and examine specimens. They did a good job of coordinating it with the lecture and it helped seeing a 3D specimen rather than a 2D artist's rendition in the book...(which also was really good).


Anat 391 is probably the course on the top of my recommend list.

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  • 6 years later...

Its a great class with great prof. Class is fun and everything is well organized.

But you really need some effort and a good memorization to get a good grade. Yes the average is high but keep in mind half of the class are reserved for phamarcy students. They may not be the most brilliant ones but they are not slackers. I liked the class but I decided to drop it because of my poor memorization.


I think second year students can do great on it as long as you work hard and good at memorization. But you may find it hard to register a seat if you are in second year.

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390's much easier to do well in due to the quizzes (25% of your grade). I'd suggest not taking it with too many friends (or a girl/guy you have a crush on ;) ) as you're most likely to slack off and not pay attention.


Both courses are pure memorization. If you feel your course load gives you an opportunity to spend lots of time memorizing (or if you're good at rote memorization) then I'd take it. 391 is pretty interesting, especially when they cover the shoulder joint and walking.


Once in a while I'll go back to my notes to read up on the shoulder as I've dislocated mine a few times.

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