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Applied to NOSM but going elsewhere?

Guest sandy apple

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Guest GunkGaLUNK

Tsk, tsk, tsk.


It's a shame, it really is. We could have had so much fun at NOSM, good sir. However, it's understandable that you'd want to go to dirty ol' Western what with your geosocial ties to the area and all. You'd better start looking into a new wardrobe--don't think medicine at UWO is any different than undergrad.


Now go back to hiding in the shadows you dirty ezboard lurker!


Here's a sketchy emoticon just because other posters tend to use them: :rolleyes .


What the hey, one more: :x .



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Guest GunkGaLUNK

P.S. I do love you too.


P.P.S. Don't murder too many lab rats--they could come back to haunt you. Literally. No really, do you believe in the paranormal?

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Guest GunkGaLUNK

Hard feelings? Pah! (And you can look that word up.)


Just big ups to you, buddy. At least we'll finish at the same time.


The bittern pun was gold. It's BECAUSE you can come up with puns like that that you're going to be in medical school in the fall. It should serve as a lesson for the rest of us ezboard readers.


"...try not to be bittern..."--you're a god among men.

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Guest Sirsirsir

...phew, I was afraid you might think that pun was...weak. ;)


See you at Med Games, and in the 'tongue.


BTW ...where's Norman_66? Haven't heard from her in a while. I wonder if she had good news.

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