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This Year's Class

Guest acarpent1

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Guest acarpent1



I'm just wondering what the average GPA was of those admitted.. I know that people with lower-end GPA's probably aren't pumped to post them on this board, but 25% of the entrance calculation after the interview is GPA, and I'm wondering what this means in terms of the GPA of those admitted. Ie/ how many people in this year's class have a GPA <3.6?


If anybody has a minute and would PM me about this, that'd be great!


--- also.. I know it's been posted, but for Sudbury interviewees this weekend -- don't forget daylight savings this weekend! :P

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Guest Filledunord

How do you figure 25% for GPA?


Isn't the interview 50% and the application comprises the other 50% (which includes GPA, context, and ABS)- making those three elements amounting to approx. 16% each?


Or am I waaaaay off? :o

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Guest kingrad


actually...you arent way off.....it really is 16.6666%...hehe im kidding. I think you are probably right about that.....

50% is our application score (gpa, context, essay)

50% interview...


so yes....i think they all combine somehow someway in accordance to your estimate or close to that.


and to reply to the original question....


I think i read somewhere on this forum that the average gpa of those accepted into the charter class was 3.55. which is quite low. the interview plays quite a larger role in their admissions process assuming one makes it to that stage.

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Guest acarpent1

Hey.. I got the 50% 25% 25% thing from another student who spoke to one of the deans at NOSM. He was told that after the interview it's 50/25/25 as per my previous post. I think the 16% thing makes more sense, and might be better for some of us, and I mean.. my info COULD be wrong, but it comes from an extremely reliable source.


Thanks for the reply about the average GPA.. are you guys interviewing in Sudbury this weekend??

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Guest fingerscrossed06

So it is 50% interview, 25% marks, and 25% ABS? Is stuff like your submissions and geographical status etc included in the ABS?


acarpent, I will be in Sudbury this weekend- Saturday

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Guest Filledunord

Direct from the NOSM website:


"Application screening: The initial review of applications is based on three components: 1) weighted GPA, 2) application questionnaire and autobiographical sketch, and 3) context. The context score is based on where you have lived and are living in Canada."



"Final Ranking: The final ranking for the letters of offer are based on both the application score and the interview score. These accounted for 50% each of the final ranking score."


Why GPA would suddenly be promoted from 1/3 of 50% (16%) to 25% is beyond me. For my sake, I hope this is not true as it is the weakest component of my application!!!


ps acarpent, I already interview in Thunder Bay.

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Guest kahone

Uhmm, are you assuming that each of the inital 3 components are given equal weight? It may be that GPA occupies a constant proportion of your complete file assessment at all stages of evaluation...and the overall impact is reduced post-interview: 50% covers all 3 initial elements, incl GPA, the other 50% covers ONE element (interview).

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Guest acarpent1

haha I know Fille! I hope that this isn't true too.. for the same reasons!


Was T-bay stressful?? Were you able to relax and have fun with it? Were you comfortable enough to completely be yourself without being too nervous??

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Guest Isoceles

Wow... so if GPA is worth 25% now, then was it 50% in determining who got an interview?

Any speculations as to in what proportions ABS and context work into the remaining 25%... i am obsessed with working out this numbers stuff (even tho I will still have no real answers until May 15th!) and this is going to drive me crazy!

This is WAY more fun than writing my 17th c. lit essay...;)


As to TBay interviews... well, 'have fun with it' is relative... there are more and less stressful interviews, but I would never list interviewing as one of my favorite pastimes!! However, I found that after the first couple of stations I relaxed alot more and felt I did better. (Although I still let my self get unsettled about half way through; it's important to pay attention to not letting your "relaxed and calm - focus" break! Definately tho, I felt better the further I got!


Edited to add: Hey, Kahone... we're on the same post #... LOL!

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Guest Filledunord



Thunder Bay was ok. I was quite relaxed pre-interview, and perhaps TOO relaxed during the interview! I was sooo myself that it may have been a bad thing! :rollin


Just really take the time to go out with other interviewees for meals, to chat, etc. If anything, it helped to ease the anxiety.

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Guest popcorn girl

why wont they just tell us our interview score as some other schools do? and why isnt it explicit what we got in the other parts, context etc.


the second guessing after the interviews is the hardest part:

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Guest bad boy buddhist

hi popcorn,


you won't find out your interview score immediately after the interview - i'm not sure which other schools divulge that information, but it's a neat concept.


one service NOSM does provide that no other school does (to my limited knowledge) is if you make the waiting list or are asked to apply again next year, you can call NOSM and someone will spend some time with you personally discussing the aspects of your application that are solid and those that can be improved upon. fairly cool.


also, if you are on the waiting list you are given a numbered rank and you can call NOSM and ask for updates. i'm told it takes some of the guesswork out of waiting, it's a nice courtesy, and again i could be wrong but i haven't heard of any other med school doing this so far.

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