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putzing around...

Guest Isoceles

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Guest Isoceles

Hee hee... I am here in Thunder Bay

I am at LU and am currently wandering the library.

I think I will check out the rest of the campus and then go to the hospital and take a walk around.

Just took the bus (conveniently the bus station is located right beside my hotel :P ) I like it here in T-Bay... it's comfortable.

Well... will write more about interview/tours and about/to everyone else from the forum later (Anna - HA! :lol )

I am such a dork for finding a computer just to write this!! :)

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lol Isosceles...


was definitely a fun night on the town...definitely hope we are classmates next year...i'll send a pm to ya with my msn addy...keep in touch! we can count down to May 15 together :P


Anna :D

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Guest Filledunord

haha...I had fun hanging out with you as well, Isoceles..we'll always have the Hoito! :P


Anna, it's too bad I couldn't make it out on Saturday night...

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That's alright Fille....it was awesome meeting you though...it's always nice to put a face to the screen name. We won't have to worry about not getting to hang out on Sat night if we all get into NOSM ;)


Keep in touch and let us know what goes down on May 15th :P



Anna :D

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Guest Isoceles

What an awesome bunch of people I met!!

Anna: We were like old pals, being classmates next year would be so cool. After all, we have so many plans already: rafting, horseback riding, and of course, a wee little bit of drinking perhaps... :P

Fille: The Hoito with you and Diplom was awesome; everyone else... you totally missed out if you didn't check it out. I am CRAVING those pancakes on a daily basis! Hope that your interview was awesome... and I am sure it was b/c I think you are a GREAT candidate!

Also: Diplom, Souvenir, PMD109, people I met who are lurkers on the forum, as well as those who probably have never heard of it... awesome spending time with you!


A big thanks to Axolotl for taking time out of his busy busy study schedule, and letting us twist his arm into having a drink or two (ha HA! not so much!), and for giving us the inside scoop on life at NOSM (don't worry, if Anna and I get in we will TOTALLY be 'cool girls' :lol ). Hope the rest of your year goes well. If I have the good fortune of seeing you again at orientation I solemnly promise to drink you under the table... :D :x

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Guest Filledunord

Anna, Isoceles! You guys sounds so....optimistic!


Anyone out there half as negative as I am? Sigh. I need to stop angonizing!


Diplom, I'm with you about the Hoito pancakes...not quite a crepe, not quite a trad pancake...just plain good.

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Guest Isoceles

No, believe me, I am not that optimisistic about my chances... I am worried about the impact of my OOP status. I am trying to look at it as a slightly better odds lottery right now :P

AND, I am definately trying not to get my hopes up too high! (But, who knows, right? :\ )

Thinking of Hoito pancakes is a nice diversion! :rollin

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