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Interview Practice ??

Guest Matt66GT

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Guest NurseNathalie



well.. I'm not sure if I would have time to organize a teleconference for this year! not that I don't have faith or trust in all you fine ppl! but, it might be tricky to 'collect' money from strangers all over the place ... and, if I were working, I would simply hope for the best and cover the expense as needed myself ... but last year, it cost me $500 out of pocket.. that's a lot of money for me this year! I'm just trying to be nice, and be helpful...



this would be a very good time for Nathalie's disclaimer:


I think that calling it a 'practice MMI' is not using the right terminology here! What I am suggesting ( is very similar to what I had last year, for those who attended)... is more of a 'round table discussion'.


I am NOT offering INSIDER INFORMATION about the MMI process- or ANY INFORMATION THAT YOU CANNOT FIND YOURSELF ON THE INTERNET OR THROUGH PUBLIC ACCESS DOCUMENT.. but rather an opportunity to sit down, and chat about the health care system, about common questions, about 'hot topics' in the news recently... and to share about what its like to be in the program. I am not doing this on behalf of the MD program, nor am I representing any special groups or associations.


you will NOT GET AN EDGE.. OR ANY ADVANTAGES in the interview process by attending ANY of these sessions. You will not do better OR worse than any other applicants.


I do NOT possess any insider information about the MMI, or grading process .... nor do I want to even talk about any of that stuff.


Building on the principles of the schools themselves: we all learn in different ways. Some need to read about a process, some need to talk to others.. and there are the doers out there (like me!) who just feel better by seeing it done, and by talking about it, and doing it! we are all just preparing in our own way. One is not better than the other. It personally helped me to know more about the physical layout of the MMI process, to know what to expect, and thus feel more comfortable about it... it just eased my stress. Its also good practice to sit there with strangers and give your opinion, and then receive honest and constructive feedback from these same strangers who just rated what you said!


Just wanted it to be clear, that you will not be disadvantaged in the selection process because you cannot attend the session. the information that will be shared is available to everyone through public access, and I do not possess any inside information that will help you get into the program.


amen! sermon is now over! be well, my children! |I

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