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wait list is moving...

Guest nursetobedoc

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Guest nursetobedoc

just wanted to let people know that are waiting (I feel your pain) that the waitlist is moving. I got an email last night with an offer of addmission.

p.s. the second round has until June 30 to accept.

Good luck to everyone!!!!

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Guest NurseNathalie

hey.. congrats fellow 'nurse to be doc' !!! :)


There WILL be more calls/emails in the next few days! good luck to everyone on the waitlist!

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Guest nursetobedoc

oops, guess it would have helped to put that eh?! I was 6th on the list and I am going to the western campus (L.U.).



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Guest Icarus

Very, nice. I think you're only the second person that I've heard of who will be at the Lakehead campus in the fall. I guess the rest of them don't like discussion boards.


Has anyone else heard yet?

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Guest coleflower

I suppose everyone on the list got the email stating "13 second round offers".

just to let you know, I am #16, and got accepted elsewhere so consider yourselves moved up 14 spots...

good luck

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Guest KerriD

Congrats Norseman! That's great.

Now for us folks who are still on the waitlist....are there any ppl who received second round wait list offers from NOSM, but are not accepting?



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Guest opiedog

I'm still amazed at the 60%+ of first rounders being FIRM in their acceptances. I was hoping for a few provisionals at least to be in there!


Looks like I will be puttling Life Plan B in to action after this year.

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Guest KerriD

Do you plan on re-appling Opie dog?

My plan B is to upgrade science courses and try again for next year. We made it this far right? we'll both be in next year. Have to think positively. I'm surprised too at the confirmed 60%. Maybe many of them only had NOSM as an option and that is the cause of this.



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Guest opiedog

Hi Kerri,


I made a promise to myself that this would be my last year to apply. No sense in putting the family through this every year to sit on a waitlist. It was nice of NOSM to let us know where we sit on the waitlist, it is helpful in making plans to move on. There is a great job offer in the local paper, so I think I'll be sending in my resume for that:)



So, this year will be it for me. This board has been a great resource though, I hope others find it and make use of it. It's a shame they won't have the old posts to fall back on and assist them with their application questions.


When we were waiting in the Agora building at the interviews I asked a few people if they ever visited ezboard. None seemed to know of it. It sure would be a good thing to get the word out about the board somehow to the next years group!

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Guest NorthernSLP

Hey guys,


I would suggest not giving up just yet- I would assume that people on waitlists elsewhere will be accepted at other places over the summer which will free up more spots at NOSM... Also- some people accepted off the waitlist have probably already accepted elsewhere. I know the waitlist will move slower throughout the summer but I assume that it will continue to move just about until September! I'm no expert but I've heard of people getting accepted really late! I know the waiting must be very frustrating and stressful but all hope is not lost!



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Guest KerriD

Hey thanks for the encouragement. It's important to be optimistic and have a positive outlook. I'm definitely aiming for that, but also needing to be realistic. I'm a ways down that wait list so not holding my breath. Good luck to you in your studies! =)

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Guest tirisa

Hi everyone,


Still on the waitlist and likely won't get off, but I just wanted to comment on how impressed I am with NOMS and their application process. The fact that they have disclosed how many people are on the list and what position you are in makes the process soooo much more bearable and civilized. Also receiving the email regarding how many additional offers have been sent out shows that they truly respect the time and lives of the people on the waiting list, since most people can predict whether they will be called or not, making it easier to get on with our lives.


Once again, I likely won't get called off, and I likely won't reapply again, but I just wanted to share my thoughts about NOMS first go at the application process. Kudos to NOMS.


Congrats again to the charter class.



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Guest NurseNathalie

Well said, Tirisa !


I totally agree! I thought it was great they decided to do most of their correspondence via email vs snail-mail... it made a big difference, and alleviated a lot of stress...


I found it a great personal touch to give everyone a call as well, to ensure that we had received the offers..


I was very impressed! plus I hear that after this process, they will take some time to review performances in the application process of those who were not accepted this year? that would be a wonderful chance to improve on next year's application!



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Guest waterbottle2

I know number 16 on the waitlist and although she hasn't gotten an offer yet, if she gets one, she is already going elsewhwere, so, one less on the waitlist.



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Guest KerriD

Hey there,

your friend was nice enough to post that about herself on here too. If you know of any more not accepting wait list offers, please let us know. Thanks!



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Guest opiedog

Crazy thought, and one that I'm not sure I should say out loud for fear of jinxing things....surely since NOSM has been kind enough to keep us informed of the waitlist movement, it seems logical to think that they would also send out a note to say when the seats are all filled too. That acutally would be a kind thing to do so that you can put it all out of your thoughts for the rest of the summer.


I understand that the situation could change at any time, with people withdrawing at the last minute, so maybe that isn't a realistic thing to anticipate either.


To be the person making the call to offer an available seat must be a fun thing to do. Not very often your call would be met with anything other than excitement!

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Guest coleflower

Hey all.

Just letting you know the list is still moving, I just turned down the offer.


opiedog - the other schools in Ontario send out letters when their class is full, I imagine NOSM will do the same. this might no help that much though - last year I got told the second week of august that the class was full and to make other plans.


best of luck and don't give up hope


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Guest opiedog

Congratulations Coleflower on knowing your future direction! It must be a huge relief to have that part taken care of. What school did you choose (if you don't mind sharing)?

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Guest KerriD

Congrats Coleflowers on getting accepted!

So that means they made it to #16 at least eh? I guess I'll have to sit tight and see what happens then. I thought for sure the first 13 second round offers would accept much like the first 60% of first round offers did. THis is an interesting process! Good luck with school. =)



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Guest jmh2005

Hang in there guys...I wouldn't be surprised if they get to 25, 30 or even 35 on the waitlist...just from my experiences at McMaster over the past 4 admissions cycles...yes, the numbers and demographics are different, but my point is don't lose hope. The 'fat lady' doesn't sing usually until the very end of August...


I'm sure that there are several folks out there who have 'accepted' NOMS conditionally but are waiting until the magical July 4th deadline hoping to get off other waitlists...(and I bet those offers were within that magical 60% number NOMS quoted back on June 10th)...I bet you'll continue to see movement now and again after this July date.


I know it is difficult, very difficult...I've been there...it only takes 1 phone call or email to change everything :) . Best of luck to all :)


MacMeds grad (and fellow Northerner)

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