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*Memorial Updates

Guest Ian Wong

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Guest Ian Wong

Author:*Kirsteen, Cda MBA

Date:***2/2/2001 12:46 am*PST




After spending a little more time on the phone today, I gathered the following tidbits of information from the following schools:


Calgary: as posted on their site, the interview requests will be sent out near the end of February. The rejections are apparently sent out first, and just after the rejections go, one person in the office actually calls the interviewees to schedule the interview dates. (They state that they do this in order to make sure that all interviewees' travel plans are accommodated.) After the calls, the paper invitations are sent. They received just over 1200 applications for this year's spots. 15 of this year's 100 medical school seats will be reserved for out of province applicants. Around 240 students (or slightly more) will be interviewed, and around 15% of these will be out of province candidates.


Manitoba: they have already begun to send out interview invitations. 150-200 people total will be invited for interviews this year, and the invitations will be sent out prior to the rejection letters. They received a total of 570 applications this year.


Memorial: the first set of interviews began today and as such, the office was completely up to the eyes, so they didn't have much time to say much else.


Good luck.

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Guest Ian Wong

Author:*Kirsteen, Can MBA

Date:***2/6/2001 6:31 am*PST




I spoke with a representative from the Memorial U. Admissions Office this morning, and here are the resulting updates (to the information provided on their website):


They have received ~600 applications this year from which they will select ~50 out-of-province applicants for interviews. Three to five spots will be reserved for successful interviewees within this group.


With respect to the dates for letters and interviews, they have already commenced interviews, and will continue to send invitations out until March 1. The interviews themselves will continue until the end of March, and it is at that time that they expect rejection letters to be sent.


Good luck,


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Guest Ian Wong

Author:*Ian Wong, MS2

Date:***2/11/2001 9:07 pm*PST


Thanks Kirsteen,


Please keep us all updated as you hear additional information.



Can, MS2


PS: To everyone out there reading this message board, JOIN IN! Using your real name and e-mail address is optional!

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  • 11 months later...

Hi Kristen,


Just a quick question...From the ~600 applications received this year, how many residents of Newfoundland have been selected for interviews, and how many seats are available for these residents?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there

I had an interview at MUN on Feb 1st with other NB residents, PEI residents and Americans. NB interviews were also continuing on Feb 8th. It says on the memorial website that we should be hearing final decisions in March 2002. I was just wondering if any NB or PEI residents have received acceptance/rejection/wait-list letters yet? (I am currently living in BC so my mail will be the last to come :D )


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Guest arcticaguy

I emailed them last week and the admissions office replied that they will be notifying applicants starting mid-march...whether that meant that these are the non-successful applicants (non-interviewees), I'm not sure?!

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HI There

I guess the waiting is almost over. Memorial sent their letters out friday. Unfortunately for me, they send it to your home address (in NB and I am living in BC) so someone in my family is going to have to open it! I talked to my sister this morning and she knows of 2 people who have been accepted (as NB residents). They received their letters yesterday (and someone has to be home to sign for it). Hopefully the rest of us will hear soon!

Good Luck

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Hi again

I received my letter from Memorial...more waiting for me. I was wait-listed...oh well better than rejection :D There are only 10 seats for NB residents.

Hopefully some of you had better news than me :)

Is there anyone out there who knows of chances for wait-listers? As far as I know, they won't tell you your position. I think the NB residents are on a separate wait-list...i.e. a wait-list for PEI residents, one for OP applicatants, one for US, and one for Nfld residents...

Good Luck everyone...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ramse2002

Unfortunately, Memorial doesn't seem to like to give out stats so have no clue as to your chances on the waitlist. Positions on the waitlist is never given out like you said.

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