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Guest CornuAmmonis

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Guest CornuAmmonis

I guess I just answered my own questionn posed in a previous thread...


I'm an OOP and I was thin-enveloped today.


Good luck to all.

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Guest Bleepo

Hey Cornu,


Sorry about the news :( . I'm OOP too, but I just had my interview last week. It seems so soon to hear from Admissions! When did you have your interview and what province are you from? Did you get interviews elsewhere? If so, best of luck on those! And if not, be sure to re-apply again if this is what you truly want to do. What doesn't kill you can only strengthen you!



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Guest CornuAmmonis



Thanks for the reply. I actually didn't receive an interview at memorial. I just kept waiting and waiting until I heard something. And today I did.


I am a little peeved at admissions for not being totally truthful. They kept telling me that I will hear by end of march. I assumed as much that I didn't get an invite, but it would have been nice not to be given the old runaround


Thanks for the good wishes.

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Guest CornuAmmonis

Well...if they give me the impression that there was hope, when all interviews are conducted, then they weren't being truthful.

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Guest ClimbOn

I got my rejection letter today. I'm also an OOP who wasn't offered an interview. Unlike CornuAmmonis, I contacted the admissions office a few weeks ago, and they were very honest in telling me that I probably won't get an interview. So getting the letter tdoay wasn't all that much of a surprise.


Does anyone know if Memorial provides feedback?

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Guest 4EverRose



I am OOP and thinveloped today as well - it wasn't that much of a surprise though. However, it will be nice if we can get some feedback from them.


Good luck to those of you who have been interviewed!

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Guest CornuAmmonis

Hi ClimbOn,


Not that I want to sound bitter. I called admissions before as well. I asked about my status or even to get an idea of what hope I should have.

Basically I was told that I will hear by the end of the month, and that interviews were ongoing.

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Guest Douje Dog

Hey guys, sorry to hear about not getting an interview.

Yes, I believe you can get feedback from the admissions office, I'm just not sure when that will be available to you. But I am almost positive that you can contact the office, set up a meeting with either the assistant dean or admissions officer, discuss reapplying and get some comments on your previous application. I think you may be able to do this after acceptance letters have been sent out.


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Guest nextstopmd

Yes you definitely can get feedback from MUN as that's exactly what I did last year after getting rejected. They set up an appointment for me in the summer to talk to one of the admissions people. They went over my application with me and discussed ways that I could improve my application this year. I received feedback on both my written application and from my interview. They won't discuss your reference letters with you, however.


Before I talked to them, I wasn't expecting much in the way of useful info, but they did give me some good tips (particular to me, not general ones) that I made use of for my application this year. Here's hoping they like me more this time around!! ::D

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Guest Bleepo

Hey nextstopmd,

Do you know when acceptances/rejections for OOP (ie. Ontario) are sent out? BTW ...I think I met you on the day of the interview ...were u interviewed on March 12? Hehe ...

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Guest ClimbOn

Thanks a lot for the info. I'll probably contact the office after my last interviews and the final exams. Hopefully I'll get in at one of the other schools, and I won't need to use the feedback info for re-application :P


CornuAmmonis: curious....I emailed them and got a nice quick reply. Must be different people handling the phone calls and the emails.


Anyway, good luck to the rest of you who're still waiting!

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Guest nextstopmd

Hey Bleepo,


We probably did meet on the 12th, since that's when my interview was as well! I had a great time at MUN. What did you think?


Last year it didn't take very long for me to get the bad news (in letter format), so I'm expecting we will also hear one way or another before the end of the month.

Here's hoping it goes better for me this time around...


Hang in there, and I'm sure we'll be hearing soon!!

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Guest Bleepo

Hey nextstopmd,

I had a great time! Everyone there is so nice and laid back. Only thing was that one of my interviewers was really sick and sneezing throughout my interview. She seemed a bit out of it. I'm afraid that may affect my evaluation. Oh well. I just want to know the verdict! Best luck to you :) ... your determination to fly to Memorial a second time should warrant your acceptance!

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Guest nextstopmd

Hey Bleepo,


I just consider myself lucky that it's a lot cheaper to fly to Newfoundland than it used to be! If I end up going to Memorial, moving out to St. John's should be quite the adventure for sure. Trying to fit everything I own into the car would be interesting.


I'd be willing to bet that your interviewer didn't let her sickness affect your evaluation, so don't worry. I was doing my best to not let my sickness affect my evaluation (hehe) since I was just getting over a nasty cough.


At least we'll all find out soon. It looks like things are starting to happen this week.

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Guest walkorbike


sorry to hear the bad news, CornuAmmonis, leafsone, 4everRose, and ClimbOn. That's a real drag. Next time will be the charm, hopefully!


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