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release of scores

Guest shanna

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Effective with the next writing of the MCAT, (April 2003) and onwards, you will no longer have the option of NOT releasing your score. Your complete 'testing history' will be released to all schools that you request that an MCAT score be released to....To explain how this is different than before:




You write the MCAT, decide not to release on test day and the scores are only sent to you. You are displeased with your scores and decide to rewrite. You rewrite and are happy with your new scores and release them (but not the first ones) to the med schools that you are applying to. The schools receive only one set of scores (the most recent ones) and have no way of knowing that you wrote twice or what your first scores were.




You write the MCAT, are not thrilled with the results and don't release....You rewrite and then have AAMC release your score to the med schools. AAMC will now send a 'complete MCAT testing history' to all of the schools (whether you want them to or not) and all of the schools will be able to determine how many times you have written the MCAT and what your scores have been like. Regardless of whether you initially released the first score to anyone or not!


I have no idea how the schools are going to use this info (or IF they are) but gone are the days of the 'practice run' on the MCAT that you didn't release.....

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Guest UWOMED2005

I don't think the situation is that bad. For Canadian med schools at least, I think most of them have been taking your most recent test scores irrespective of past test scores. . . would they really change that with the new rules? I don't know, but don't think so.

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Hmm, though it doesn't affect me, I don't think I would have liked not having that option. Personally, I didn't release my scores initially but after receiving my scores, I released them a year later when I applied for med.

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