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Woe is me

Guest Uche

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I checked my MCAT scores on the my AMCAS application on the web. These are my scores: VR=9, PS=12, BS=14, and WS= M!!!!!!!!!!????

I don't know what to do. I feel cheated. Its like the whole summer was a waste of time. I think I'm going to go to bed.

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At least you qualified for UofT and Western. I don't qualify for any of the schools that require MCAT. And I thought the writing sample went well for me. Oh well, I guess it didn't. Good luck. I hope we make it despite the setbacks :-)

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Uche, U of T allows you to have one section below their "cutoff", as long as it's only one section and only by one point. So you're still in the game :) . Good luck!

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i totally know what you're going through.

i just checked thru amcas, and got 9V 11PS 13BS WS=N

i can live with the verbal score, but i thought i could've done better on the writing sample

if i had known earlier, i couldn've saved myself a lot of $$

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Don't know whether you're still around JD, but how do you know that UofT allows for 1 section being below the cut-off? I really would like to know more about that. Thank you.

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I asked the U of T representative at some med school admissions seminar last year... and that's what they said. One section can be exactly one point below their cutoffs of 8's and an N in writing (e.g. 8,9,10, and M; or 7, 10, 10, O). I don't know if they've changed the policy for this year or not.

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Guest phattie

here are my results...


VR:10 PS:9 BS:9 WS:P


I don't think that qualifies for UWO or Queens. Anyway, I think I deserved what I got since I really didn't take it that seriously.

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