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Writing Sample Topics - Arent they a bit wonky?

Guest rainnoodle

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Guest rainnoodle



Is it me, or are the mcat writing sample topics really really odd? I mean the three tasks seem easy, but it doesnt always work for all the topics (or a least its freakin hard to make it work:) ....For example,

"In a free society, all rights begin with the individual's right to privacy"...



It's like the MCAT people picked topics out of thin air, and assumed it would work with the 3 tasks.....any opinons? Thanks!

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Guest YongQ

<font color="#880088">There are general themes you can notice with the WS topics though - most of them have to do with political science, the media, goverment, i.e. stuff that anybody can form an opinion on. This is especially convenient because you can just memorize a few examples of current (or past) events/experiences to draw upon, and these will work for nearly every topic that's presented to you, instead of thinking of something new every time you see a topic you've never seen before.</font>

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